Horseback riding

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Chapter 12- Horseback riding

"Good morning Jace!" I yelled happily as I gave him a hug. He hugged me back tightly by my waist.

"Good morning. You seem very happy this morning." He smiled at me letting go and holding his car door open.

"I am! I got the internship and today is my day off and I made a new friend!" Jace looks happy for me too.

"Really wow! That's awesome and who's this new friend of yours?" I shrugged and gave him a cheeky smile.

"Someone at work, so it's a co-worker." He nodded and stopped in front of school. Why does time seem to go by really fast when I'm with Jace?

"I want to take you out today since its warmer than usual." I nodded happy to go with Jace.

"Awesome, can't wait!" I pecked him on the lips and walked to my locker. I look back at Jace to see he's blushing exactly as I left him. Hmm, I wonder why? My GOSH! That's the first time I kissed HIM! I'm so embarrassed, but it just felt so right.

I sped up my walk to my locker to see Tatyanna waiting for me, there. I waved and she waved back.

"Hey Ellie, lets get to class, I have to tell you something very important." I nodded as she guided me to math.


I'm so happy for Taty! She finally had the nerve to kiss Kevin who is by the way her first boyfriend. That's new for her. Usual Kevin has to give Taty a kiss but not anymore!

I smiled at Jace from across the lot and walked quickly to him.

"Hey Jace!" I grinned at him extremely happy.

"Hey, ready to go, Ellie?"

"Yeah, but am I good like this or do I have to change?" I mean I am wearing skinny jeans with brown boots and a pink V-neck shirt.

"Your perfect just the way you are!" Jace gave me a cheeky smile and I hugged him tightly.

"You are just going to love the surprise!" I nodded. I can't wait to see where we're going, but knowing Jace he's not going to tell me.

"Can't wait!"


The car came to a stop in open and lush fields. There were some people milling around and some were even riding horses.

"Oh my GOSH! Look horses!" I yelled pointing at the horses. Jace chuckled and I heard him mutter under his breath.

"Yeah, she loves it.." I smiled, I can't wait to get on!

"Be prepared Ellie, cause today we're going horseback riding!" I squealed excitedly, this is my first time!

"Awesome I can't wait!" I pecked Jace quickly on the lips as we began walking.

Soon enough we had out own horses to ride on. My temporary horse is a brownish color named Mundo while Jace's is a golden and white-ish color named Hero.

"Okay I can do this." I told myself and our guide chuckled. Our guide was a good looking guy with brown hair and bronze skin.

"Don't worry, If you can't I'm here to help." I blushed at the way he said it with his dashing smile and Jace looked back at us a little annoyed.

After walking around for about 20mins I pretty much got the hang of it. Our guide turned out to be 16 like me and Jace although he is going to be 17 soon, like next month.

Jace was jealous that I kept speaking with our guide named Ryan. He kept looking back a little annoyed when ever he heard me laugh, and I could see jealousy in his face.

My horse started getting antsy about something making noises and wiggling around a lot.

"What's he doing!" I yelled panic clear in my voice.

"Calm down, Ellie!" I nodded and tried my best to keep calm. Mundo kept making noises until he finally stood on his two back paws dropping me. In the process I somehow ended up underneath Mundo.

"OH MY GOSH!!" I yelled panicking not knowing what to do. Jace chuckled and pulled me out from under. He held me and I hugged him tightly.

"Come on, it's getting dark. We should start heading back." Jace and I looked at Ryan and he nodded still on his black horse.

"He's right. Ellie, can you continue riding?" I nodded not completely sure.

Jace helped me up and we began walking again. Not even 5 minutes in and Mundo started panicking again.

"He's freaking out again!" Ryan came close to me an did something that happened to calm down Mundo. It didn't last though because soon I was in the air and back on the ground rolling down the hill.

I yell in complete panic and I can hear Ryan and Jace in the distance laughing. I finally stand up and hug a tree. By now I'm crying my heart out in complete terror. Soon enough warm arms come around me and pull me to them.

I know it's Jace because of his woodsy smell, and I squeeze him tightly crying into him.

"It's alright, no need to be frightened." He rubbed my back soothingly and I stopped crying. I look up at Jace to see amusement dancing in his eyes not like the care in his voice.

I whacked his arm and began walking up the steep hill. Wow I must have been rolling for a while.

As Mundo came into view I glared at him and walked to Ryan.

"Ryan, can we pleeease switch horses ?" I asked practically begging. Ryan chuckled and nodded.

"Anything for you, why don't we share?" I nodded and he got down.

"You're sharing horses?!" Jace asked slightly yelling. I nodded and Ryan started climbing again. Jace pulled me down and carried me on hero.

"In that case we can share." I blushed as Jace said it in my ear, while closing me off with his arms and I nodded.

"Okay." I squeaked out.

"Awesome." Jace said and he gave me a quick peck as we began our ride back with Mundo following us.

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