Truth hurts

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Chapter 29- Truth Hurts

I open my eyes and look around to see I'm not in MY room. I feel an arm wrapped around my waist and I turn around quietly to see Cole sleeping behind me.

So I'm in Cole's room. At least I know where I am. What I don't know is what happened last night. I'm still in my dress so I only slept over. I can only remember going to the club and starting to dance. But my head sure as hell hurts. It wont stop pounding.

We have school today! I quickly sit up but fail completely due to Cole's arms around my waist.

"Cole, wake up." I say pushing him slightly. Cole groans and buries his head in my neck.

"5 more minutes..." He murmurs and I groan pushing him away.

"Cole, we have school today." I tell him pushing him slightly harder and he sits up letting go of me.


"It's freaking 5 am!" He exclaims and I smile. Wow I didn't even check the time.

"I still have to get home. Please drive me." I ask my eyes begging. Cole starts murmuring something and he stands up.

"My head is pounding!" Cole exclaims frowning slightly.

"Well, so is mine! Please baby cakes!" I tell him pouting. He shrugs and I stand up as we head to his car.

"I'm just going to come back to bed after this." Cole says walking down the steps. He drives me home silently and once there I thank him and head in as quiet as possible.

"Bout time." I hear someone say and I turn around to see James smirking.

"Where were you?" James questions me and I groan.

"Be more quiet." I tell him and his smirk gets bigger.

"Rents aren't here and everyone's sleeping. Where. Were. You." James says emphasizing it.

"I went for a morning walk." I tell him and turn around.

"Like that?" James asks amusement strong in his voice.

"Yes, you ass, is there a problem?"

"Nope, not at all." James lets out a little laugh before walking in to the kitchen.

"Whatever." I murmured letting my smile show.

"I'm gonna take a shower real quick!" I yelled and kept walking upstairs.


"Hello there." I said walking up to my friends.

"Ellie! I see you got home fine." Kevin told me coming to hug me. I raised my eyebrows at him questioningly and he took out his phone showing me a few pictures I sent him.

The pictures I sent him were horrible. I was standing on a table in one of them in what looked like I was dancing. In another I was in Coles arms and in another I was taking tequila shots. Huh, no wonder my head hurt like hell. I guess I did more than dance last night. Who even took those photos?!

"Oh." I say and Kevin shakes his head laughing.

"Yeah, the rest were blurry so I deleted them but I decided to keep these." Kevin said smirking at me and putting his phone away.

I take out my phone to see I have 42 messages and 26 missed calls. Oh my, most of these are from Jace, like a whole bunch and like 2 messages from Kevin.

I have 2 messages from Kevin, 3 missed calls and 4 messages from James and 3 missed calls from Hayden. That means I have 20 missed calls from Jace and 37 messages from Jace.

I quickly text Jace back,

'Sorry I ain't answer sooner. At school now, text u at lunch. x_x. XOXOXOXO'

I put my phone away and smiled sheepishly at Kevin.

"Sorry, Kevin." I tell him and he smiles saying its okay. I nod and head inside to my locker.

"There you are!" Cole yells running into me.

"Where else." I said smiling at him.

"I was worried the hangover got the best of you!" Cole exclaimed and I hit him.

"Shhh, I don't want everyone to know." I told him putting a finger on his lips silencing Cole. Cole blushed lightly and swatted my hand away.

"Sorry, lets go to class kitten." Cole said smiling sheepishly and I nodded heading to first period with Cole.


I sat down on my seat of the lunch table, texting Jace. He was a little ticked off I didn't answer him before and it only grew when I mentioned being with Cole.

'I was so worried for u.' Jace wrote and I smiled a little.

'But I'm okay, I was with Cole' I text trying to relax and calm him down.

'Why were you. with. Cole.' He asks and I can picture his mad face already.

'Easy, why not!' I text.

'Because! I don't want u two together!'

'Why does it even matter!' I text a little mad at him. Being with Cole made no change in the night.

'Bc I don't like it when your together! Just. Stay. Away. From him.' He texts back and I turn off my phone deciding to ignore him. He's just being a butt.

I bury my face in my arms an close my eyes breathing in and out.

"What up, kitten?" Cole says sitting down next to me with a plate full of food.

"Nothing much.. CC." I giggle and Cole pushes me away playfully and lightly.

"Don't you dare call me CC!" Cole threatens playfully.

"Why not?" I ask him smirking.

"Because its not..." He murmurs under his voice.

"Not what?" I ask waiting for him to continue.

"Not manly enough. I prefer you calling me baby cakes." He says quietly and I burst out laughing.

"Fine.." I manage to say breathless in between my laughing fits.

"Meanie." Cole said pouting his lips and crossing his arms.

"I am not!" I exclaimed an Cole tackled me to the ground.

"Dog pile!" Spencer yelled as he and Kevin jumped on us.

Well, that's my lunch period. Now I got to get them off me, which is going to take a while.


"Ugh! That was sooo tiring!" Cole whines, wiping the sweat off his face.

"It was nice though." I add tying my hair up.

"Real nice." Cole says smirking at me and I grab my bag. There was a change of schedule today so instead of having gym after lunch and art last they were switched. I don't know why tough but we spent gym class, with me learning and attempting to play soccer. That's right soccer and I rock at it!

"Lets go!" Cole yelled impatiently an I smiled. He reminds me of me as I did the same thing with Jace.

"Don't you have to go to ESPN?" I asked him confusion clear on my face.

"No, forget that, it got to boring and hard." He answered and I laughed.

"Quitter!" I exclaim.

"Hey! You quit before me!" Cole said and I just murmured oh.

"Wait a minute, I have to ask you something." Cole said making us stop in the middle of the parking lot.


"Why don't you break up with Jace?" Cole asked me taking me by surprise me by eyes widen.

" Why would I?"

"Because, he's cheating on you."


Okay so I was going to stop it here but I'm feeling happy now even though its like freaking 1am. But I'm just so awesome I'm going to keep writing.


"WHAT!?!"I exclaimed my eyes going wide with shock and hurt. Is Jace really cheating on me.

"Think about it. You've said that Jace was being distant and now he won't be coming for the summer. His excuse of "school stuff" just adds on to it. That's what he used on his ex girlfriend too, when he started hanging out with you." Cole told me and my eyes went wide with hurt.

"Really?" I whispered barley audible.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I told you."

"No, it's cool." I said and even my voice sounds defeated to me.

"Ex-girlfriend?" Jace told me I was his first girlfriend. Did he lie to me with that too. He already broke his pinky promise.

"Yeah, her name is Melanie." As soon as Cole said those words tears slipped out. She's that girl from lake compound who made Jace nervous. Is that the reason he didn't want me to see her.

"Don't cry." Cole said his face filled with pain. He wiped the tears from my face with his hand. He held my cheek as I urged him to continue.

"Melanie went to England with Jace since her grandparents live there too." Jace didn't even mention anything like that, I guess he was keeping me in the dark. The memory of our most recent and last date came to mind. The garden and the lights, the food he prepared. He probably shared that place with Melanie too.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to stop?" Cole asked me and I shook my head.

"Well, I also have a secret."

I nodded my head for him to continue. I don't trust my voice right now.

"Ellie, it pains me to see you cry, for that bastard of my brother. Especially when I have feelings for you. Strong feelings that I can't keep down anymore. You bring out the best in me. I feel like I can express myself around you without a worry that you'll leave. I love hearing your laughter and seeing you smile. I want to be the cause of that beautiful smile and wonderful laughter. I feel like I'm compassionate, caring, funny, and actually smiling not smirks but actual smiles. What can I say, you bring out the best in me. I feel like I can express myself around you. Kitten, I love you so very much." Cole spoke leaving me more speechless than I already was.

My heart swelled at hearing that piece of information. I looked up to see him staring at me. Then he touched my cheek and in one swift movement his lips were on mine. At first he waited for my reaction then when I responded he smiled under the kiss and then deepened it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and running my hands through his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly pulling us even closer. He traced his tongue along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth feeling his tongue slip into my mouth massaging mine. He made a small moan in the back of his throat that drove me over the edge. I leaned in to him not knowing why. The kiss felt wrong, yet soooooo right at the moment. So I surprisingly kissed Cole back with as much passion in me as I let go of myself in his arms.

There's no going back now.

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