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Chapter 33-Revelations

"Morning!" I exclaimed happily sitting down on my seat at the kitchen table.

"Good morning Ellie!" Christina exclaimed grinning.

"Morning sweetie." Phil said before digging in to his pancakes.

James and Hayden nodded their heads, their mouths full of food.

I grabbed for myself two pancakes and began eating them with syrup.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked them.

"Well, I have to go grocery shopping and Phil needs to take the cars to the car wash. Hayden has to take Mae, Alice and Avery to their ballet practice. James is coming with me." I nodded my head taking in what Chris says.

"What about Dylan and Lucas?" I asked curiously.

"Oh! They're over at their friends house!" Chris said smiling brightly.

Hayden stood up and started to pick up the empty plates and take them to the kitchen. Christina stood up and walked to the living room. I decided to help him out and picked some up carrying them into the kitchen.

I set the plates in the sink and grinned at Hayden as he stood by the sink.

"How's it going with Mia?" I asked Hayden about his girlfriend.

"Better than ever!" He replied grinning widely at me.

"Great!" I was happy everything with Mia was going good. Hayden deserves to be happy and Mia seems like a really cool person.

I walked upstairs and was surprised. Cole and Jace sat on my bed looking through a photo album of my baby photos.

I quickly rushed over to them and stole away my photo album.

"Those are my baby photos!" I exclaimed blushing heavily. They laughed and Cole tried taking the photo album away. I swatted his hands and playfully glared at him sticking my tongue out.

"We know what they are! Can't we see?" Jace said pleadingly and I sighed letting them finish seeing through it. At least I don't have any naked baby photos, although I was a very clumsy baby. So most are of me on the ground.

"Chubby baby!" Cole yelled before bursting out laughing. Jace laughed just as hard and I gasped. I took the photo album away and sat on it.

"How'd you get in my room?" I asked them and they chuckled.

"While you were eating, we snuck in... Chris may have helped us..." I narrowed my eyes at them and shrugged.

"I'm going to hop into the shower real quick and we can do whatever you guys planned for today." I told them smiling and they grinned.

I walked in to bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the hot water. I undressed and stepped into the water. I sighed contently as the water relaxed my muscles.

After washing my hair and body I stepped out and wrapped myself in my white fluffy towel. Damn! I didn't bring any clothes! I cracked open my door to see if they were still In my room and sure enough there they were looking through the photo album again.

I quickly closed the door and took deep breathes. I can do this. Just walk out like everything's normal. Grab my clothes and rush back in here. I told myself and opened the door again.

I hurried out. Cole and Jace looked up and they're eyes widened in surprise. I hugged myself even tighter with the towel and blushed a deep red. They're eyes darkened With lust and I hurried to get my clothes.

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