New Kid at School

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Chapter 19- New Kid at School

Ugh why do we have school today. I'm not ready to see Jace yet, not after what happened. My heart is just in pain right now, like its breaking over and over again. I can't believe I just put myself out there like that.

Telling him I loved him.

He doesn't even love me, how can I face him.

I walked down stairs wearing Hayden's shirt and James baseball cap. I had on dark skinny jeans, and my converse. Of course Hayden's shirt is now mine, but it still smells like him. The shirt say 'Con Carácter' which means, with character in English.

"Wow, you sure look terrible." James said as I walked downstairs.

"Gee, thanks, that's what EVERY girl wants to be told." I told James rolling my eyes. He laughed and engulfed me in a hug.

"I see you're wearing my hat." James said grinning widely. I smiled a little still extremely sad.

"You mean MY hat." I said emphasizing my.

"I hope you know I'm getting that back." I smiled and pushed him away securely fixing the hat.

"Whatever." James said rolling his eyes. Apparently Hayden had to leave early to finish his project and I don't know about Gwen. So it was only me and James walking today.

"Well, bye bye Ellie-poo!" James said snickering at what he called me. All because of Christina. I smiled at the memory that she always used to call me that.

I walked in to school heading to my locker. Here I am frowning again!

"Why the long face, kitten?" Shocked to hear this voice, I turned around to see Cole's cheeky and wide smile.

"Cole!!" I smiled and he engulfed me in a tight hug. I squeezed him tightly back and people were staring at us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Cole.

"I just transferred." Cole replied smirking and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Really?!" I tensed immediately. Cole looks so much like Jace, I can't stop thinking back to 'IT'.

"What's your schedule look like?" I questioned to distract my self.

"Here ya go, you have to show me around Ellie." Cole said handing me his schedule. I took it and observed it.

'Class Schedule

Period 1- Math

Class- 426

Period 2- Literature

Class- 538

Period 3- Test Prep

Class- 538

Period 4- Lunch

Class- Cafeteria

Period 5- GYM

Class- Gymnasium

Period 6- Science

Class- 442

Period 7- History

Class- 531

Period 8- Arts

Class- 216

"Awesome! We have the exact same schedule!" Cole smiled at me brightly.

"Good, now I'll at least know someone in class." He said causing me to laugh.

"Lets go we have Math on the 4th floor in the 2nd building." I said dragging him along.


"Okay class! We have a new student who will come up here and present themselves!" Ms. Cianna said in 2nd period.

"I like to embarrass the new students, so no you're not special." She told Cole as he came up.

"Okay state your name, favorite color and two facts about you. Then pick you're seat." Ms. Cianna directed Cole.

"Alright simple enough. My names Cole, and my favorite color is blue. I don't know how to swim very well and I have someone I like." At this Cole turned and winked at me. I started to blush and heard Jace hit the table behind me. I've been ignoring him all day afraid I'd start crying if I look at him.

"And I would like to sit with Ellie." Ms. Cianna nodded and continued her lesson.

The whole period Cole and I were fooling around whenever Ms. Cianna wasn't paying attention. Jace kept trying to get my attention but got the message after I continued ignoring him.

I stood up once the bell rang and made my way to lunch with Cole.

I went down the back way with Cole were there aren't that many people.

"Stay away from Ellie." I turned around to see Jace pushing Cole against the wall. Cole smirked like it was nothing.

"Why, afraid of me. Thought about what I told you yesterday?" Cole replied taunting Jace. My curiosity sky rocketed at the mention of them talking about me.

"Ellie, look at me." Jace said directing it at me. I shook my head knowing if I did I would start crying my eyes out.

"Ellie, look at me." Cole said in a soft and calm tone. I looked up to look at Cole in the eyes. I can feel tears forming in my eyes already threatening to spill.

"Ellie, stay away from Cole. Just do it." Jace told me in a desperate and sad voice causing me to look at him.

"No Jace." I finally answered after a while. Why does Jace want me to stay away from Cole? What were they talking about?

I pulled Cole by his wrist causing Jace to let go of him. Walking down the stairs I heard Jace punch the wall making my tears spill everywhere.

"Shhh, it's alright, kitten." Cole said comforting me, letting me cry into his chest.

"Sorry, Cole." I told him after I recollected myself. Cole shrugged and sent me a charming smile. He pulled me by the wrist walking in to the cafeteria.

"Sooooo, where are we sitting?" Cole asked looking around. I chuckled and dragged him to my usual table.

"Hey guys." I said and they all looked up with surprised faces.

"Oh, hey." They all said except for Chastity.

"So this is the new guy, huh?" Chastity asked.

"Yup, guys meet Cole, my bestest friend." I told them happily.

"Gasp, Ellie, what happened to what we had!" Taty said faking hurt.

"Fine bestest guy friend." I said rolling my eyes.

"ELLIE! I see how you feel." Kevin said and spencer gasped holding his heart.

"Deal, with it." They laughed at my response.

"As I was saying, Cole, these are my stupid bum friends. Tatyanna, Hannah, chastity,Kevin , and Stone. Well, Spencer." I said and when I said their names they would greet him, one way or another.


Don't forget to,





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