One more day

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Chapter 25- One More Day

"Jaaace, do you really have to go?" I whined Jace my eyes begging.

"Yeah, believe me if I could I would stay here. Maybe I can sweet talk my parents to shorten the time.." Jace told me sadness creeping into his voice.

"I'm going to miss you, so much!" I told Jace hugging him tightly. Jace hugged me back murmuring me too.

"Most of all, I won't be able to see your wonderful self everyday." Jace said pulling me closer if possible.

"I won't be seeing you, period." Jace smiled sadly and I felt tears threatening to spill.

"Lets just forget about it for now." Jace said running his his hand through his hair.

"Okay, then can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." Jace replied nodding his head.

"Do you like cats?" I asked Jace smiling. I had asked Cole that same question and he pretended to be offended saying how could he not.

"Sure I guess, I used to have a cat when I still lived with my parents but spooky died from old age." Jace told me pouting.

"Spooky?" I smiled at him and he chuckled but I could see a light blush.

"Yes spooky. I got him around the time of Halloween and if I remember Darren yelled spooky when we found him. I stuck to that and everyone pretty much agreed." I smiled at Jace as he told me the story of naming his cat.

"What about you, ever have any pets?" He asked me genuinely interested.

"Nope, I wasn't allowed to." I told him smiling sadly. I would've loved to have a pet.

"Well that's a shame." He told me and stood up. I followed suit and we walked out of his house.

"I want to show you something you'll absolutely love." He told me with a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"Okay.. What is it?" I asked him.

"You'll see." He continued walking and we walked around the house to the back. We stopped in front of a big white picket fence. Jace pulled out a key and unlocked the gate. Inside I looked back to see Jace lock the gate again. Hmm, I guess he doesn't want any one to come in.

I shrugged my shoulder and turned around looking at my surroundings. I gasped and my eyes widened. Oh my god! It's so beautiful. It's a garden filled with bushes and bushes of all different kinds o flowers. There were two paths that separated and went in a circle meeting at the end. The paths held roses and lit candles that led to the end. At the other side of the garden was a white table with food served and different color roses in a vase on the table.

"Wow... It's... Amazing" I said utterly speechless. I walked up the path slowly and carefully as Jace walked behind me.

I reached the table to see the plates held mashed potatoes and breaded chicken strips. Hmm smells delicious.

"Smells awesome." I told Jace smiling.

"Good, cause I made it just for you." Jace replied with a cheeky smile.

We sat down and began to eat. The food was incredibly delicious. It's the best food I've EVER tasted.

"Did you know mashed potatoes are my favorite food?" I asked Jace smiling, continuing to eat.


"How?" I asked him chuckling.

"Oh I bugged Hayden until he told me." Jace answered. I shook my head lightly.

"Well, it freaking awesome so congrats. I hate that you cook better than me."

"Why thank you." Jace replied smirking.

"Rub it in my face why don't you." Jace laughed and stood up.

"I'll be right back." He said walking away. I looked around and could see lights hanging on the trees. I stood up and picked up a flower from the shrub.

The flower smells delicious, I just wonder what kind of flower is it?

All the lights hanging on the trees lit up making the place light up. It's beautiful especially with the night sky. Jace wrapped his arms from behind me.

"Like it?" Jace asked me in my ear. A shiver of pleasure passed through my whole body and I just nodded. Jace started kissing down my neck making me moan. I tipped my head to the side giving Jace more access to my neck. I lightly grind on Jace and feel him instantly become hard as he lets out a quiet moan.

"Thank you." I said and Jace stopped grinding as well.

"For what?" Jace asked his arms tightening around me.

"For all of this." Jace nodded and let me go.

"Welcome and I should probably get you home now." I nodded and we walked to the front yard hand in hand.

"I'm going to walk cause I literally live like right down the street." Jace chuckled.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and he let go. He kissed me lightly and watched me leave.

Tomorrow I won't see Jace again. Tomorrow he'll be in England. Tomorrow I'll let him go.

I don't want to break up with him but what if he finds someone over there and I'm keeping him down. It's for Jace that I'm willing to do this. I'm willing to break up with him.

"Hey Ellie!" I looked up to see that Esmerelda and Kevin were walking towards me. I waved and they smiled. Esmerelda is Kevin's younger sister. She also has a crush on both Hayden AND James.

"Hellooooo" I said and Kevin smiled rubbing the back of his head.

"Are you heading home?" Esmerelda asked me smiling.

"Yeah actually.." I started smiling back at her and Kevin.

"Great! We'll come along!" She stated happily and Kevin mouthed sorry to me.

"No problem!" I told them smiling. I just hope the house is good and alright for guest. Lets hope it's not a mess.

I opened the door to see James, Hayden, Chris, and Phil sitting in the living room watching A sports channel.

"I'm home." I said and everyone turned around to face me.

"Kevin! You're the tie breaker! Come over here!" Phil shouted at Kevin and he nodded walking over to them.

"Oh thank heavens! Finally some girls! Gwen won't come down and the little ones are sleeping already." Chris said walking to me and Esmerelda.

"I was planning on painting and re-arranging the house and I need your help." Chris told us.

"Gladly! I love decorating!" Esmerelda and Chris went into a conversation about shading and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, I just need to drop my things." I told Chris and she nodded shooing me. Well I guess this is my plan for the night.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Not much to say today, I don't think I ever do so,

Don't forget to,





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