Movie Time

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Chapter 22- Movie time


I can't believe Jace is leaving in one month. I don't think I can see him go. Ever since that last 'disagreement' we haven't said the 'L' word again. Jace has been trying to keep me and Cole separated for some unknown reason.

Jace was glad I decided to quit in ESPN and then when ever me and Cole are alone he would some how come in. That's is ever since he saw that picture of me and Cole.

"KITTEN!" I heard someone yell from downstairs. I quickly got up and ran down.

"Cole! Jace!" I yelled and my face broke out into a huge smile.

"I'll get them right now. Hold on!" I exclaimed rushing back up the stairs.

"Mae, Alice, Avery, they're here ready to go?"

"Yup." Mae replied standing up. Alice stood up silently standing next to me.

"Bout time!" Avery sad overreacting and waving her hands. She stood up and got in front of us, leading the way.

"Well, here we are. Lets go."Jace nodded and held the door for us. We walked out together holding hands and he pecked my lips before getting in th car.

"So, what are we doing today, Jaceeee!" Mae said smiling.

"Well, I was planning on taking you over to my house so we could watch a movie and then you can play with Emma." Jace explained. That's another thing, ever since I introduced Jace to my family, they've loved him. Especially Mae.

"Hey Cole, when we get there can you make me that awesome popcorn of yours?" Avery asked as Alice was playing with Cole's hair.

"Yea sure, what color?" He asked Avery. Cole looked at me and smiled and I winked causing him to laugh.

"Red!" Avery exclaimed happily.

"Pink!" Mae yelled at the same time.

"We're here!" Jace said cheerfully smiling. We climbed out and Jace held my hand as we walked side by side to his house.

"So what movie are we watching?" I asked Jace.

"Thought I'd let them decide." Jace said shrugging.

"Great, now they're gonna be arguing about it. I just know it." Jace chuckled and we walked up to the movie room. Cole stayed downstairs making pink and red popcorn.

Walking in to the movie room, Emma sat there smiling holding three movies in her hands.

Avery, Mae and Alice walked over to Emma already bickering about the move making me smile.

"Ellie..." Jace whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Yes..." I moaned quietly.

Jace started kissing my neck softly and found my sweet spot. I moaned and leaned in to Jace. I could feel Jace's hard on. Oh god! Someone could walk in on this and more importantly there are 4 little girls in the room. It pained me but I pulled away from Jace.

I turned to face Jace and his face held pure lust.

"I think you forgot where we were." I said in a husky voice smiling at Jace. He nodded his head and sent me a sheepish smile.

"I did for a moment there, but I wasn't the only one." Jace told me winking. He sat down and pulled me to him, sitting on his lap. Huh, he's still hard.

Cole walked in carrying the popcorn as he gave Mae and Emma a bowl, Alice and Avery, and one for Jace, me an Cole.

We ended up watching Brave the Disney movie.

As the movie came to an end Emma, Mae, Avery and Alice went to Emma's room to play.

"I have to go pick up Darren, Brittany, and Abigail from the game they went to see at Darren's school." Jace said grabbing his car keys.

"Okay." I said and Jace nodded.

"Be back soon." Jace Said before he left.

"Brittany, and Abigail?"

"Yeah, that's there full names." Cole answered.

"Tell me all of you're full names." I ask Cole pleadingly.

"Fine I'll do it in order. Lets see,

Abigail Grey or Abby Grey

Brittany Grey or Brit Grey because she doesn't like the name Brittany.

Jacob Ace Grey or Jace Grey

Caspian Colton Grey or how i like it, Cole Grey,

Darren Grey but he has the same name, ass okay the there's, Evangeline Grey or Emma Grey."

I nod and look out the window. They sure have long names.

"Hey Ellie?" Cole said an I turned around to face him.

"Yeah?" I replied smiling.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Cole asked winking at me.

"Cole! Are you implying that I'm satan?!?" I faked surprise and hurt, gasping.

"WHAT! NO! It's just... Well... Um....." Cole started unsure of what to say.

"IM KIDDING!" I exclaimed we stared at each other for a moment before both Cole and I started laughing our butts off.

"Good, you got me worried there for a moment." Cole said with a tinge of red on his cheeks.


I know boring chapter, just think of it as a filler. Anyways, don't forget to,





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