Chapter Three

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I wasn't a holiday-throwing party kind of guy; I mean, I was considered an older man.

Older men don't like loud parties with dancing and people getting drunk and tipsy and stumbling over each other, but ever since I hired Mila, she's convinced me that the staff needed a way to blow off steam.

She didn't need to do much convincing, and I remember how nervous she was when she walked in and blurted out, 'I want to throw a party for New Year's Eve.'

She was red in the face and looked taken back by her outburst and even tried to give me flashcards of her PowerPoint that she created to sell me the story.

I remember her clumsy hands as she turned on the computer and her cheeks stayed red the entire time she spoke.

I don't remember what she said because I was too busy falling deep under her trance. Mila had this effortless aura, almost angelic and sweet and sensitive.

It was hard to take your eyes off her once she stepped into the room, and it was even harder to stop yourself from staring. From that day, she planned and managed every party for the office.

Everyone in the office enjoyed after hours on every holiday to blow off steam, drink, and dance. I usually left the office, but security was there to keep an eye on things so they didn't get out of hand.

I would keep a close eye on the cameras from my house for no other reason but to watch Mila. She never stayed longer than an hour; she'd show up, dance with a few women from other departments, and indulge in girly drinks and white wine.

Tonight was the Halloween party, and Mila usually cleared the building out so she could have people come in and decorate the room however she liked.

I stayed in the office and kept to myself, and Mila was free to do whatever she liked and spend whatever she wanted. I never interfered or told her to spend less because I almost considered it not even my business.

Mila could do whatever she fucking pleased, and I'd never tell her no. She was the only woman with this authority over me, and I knew deep down it was horrible to feel for someone so young, but I couldn't control myself.

It wasn't harming anybody. It was something I would never tell anybody. It was my little secret, a dark fantasy, one I indulged in when I was alone.

It's not like my sexual inclination toward Mila was dark and creepy because I wanted to take care of her. I wanted to hold her hand, play with her hair, kiss her cheeks, make her laugh, and smile.

I wanted to hug her when she was upset and hold her in my arms, preferably naked, but I wanted that intimacy with her.

Even more so, I wanted to taste her lips, that pink tongue, the pulse between her legs, and the valley between her breasts. I wanted to hear her reactions to my touch and hear her beg for more, beg for me.

There was a knock on the door, and I pulled my thoughts out of the gutter before pressing the button. The loud beep filled the room, and Mila walked in looking cute and sexy and beautiful.

Since she wasn't technically working, she was wearing black yoga pants that hugged those thighs and ass that I shouldn't even be thinking about.

With a baggy casual white shirt that had the words; 'The Female Is Future' printed on it in black. She was holding a clipboard in her hand, and I noticed her hair was all held back by one of those hair claw clip things.

"Everything is almost ready for the party. I know you don't like being here for them, so I'm giving you a ten-minute warning."

"And that is why you're my favorite secretary."

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