Chapter Twenty-One

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I could spoil Mila for days, and I'd never get tired of it. Whether it was taking her shopping or buying her jewelry, I loved the reactions that Mila gave whenever I bought her something she claimed she didn't need, but I didn't care.

If I wasn't taking her shopping or taking her to the salon to get her hair and nails done, then I was finding any other way to spoil her.

In the end, Mila told me she wanted to go on an actual date, one that didn't require me buying her a diamond necklace or a boat.

She was joking, but now that she had brought it up, I would buy her a boat. I'd take her there so that I could fuck her at sea. But all joking aside, she wanted an actual date then a real date is what she'd get.

I planned everything. A picnic. Simple, but Mila wasn't the glamorous flashing type. She enjoyed the simple things in life.

We'd have a picnic in a nice park, and I'd bring the food, drinks, and desserts in a basket, spend our afternoon there, and sit under the starry skies where I'd kiss her at night for every star in the sky.

It was perfect, and when I told her she was smiling so hard, it made me confirm just how much I already knew Mila. We went on her day off, and I took a half-day because I did have some stuff to finish and take care of since Mila wasn't home.

I stopped by the house and switched out the suit for a more comfortable outfit since we were going to be in the park.

Jeans and a comfortable black tee shirt with some sneakers, I grabbed the picnic basket before heading to pick up Mila. I was planning on walking to her door and knocking, but when I called her to buzz me into her apartment, I saw that Mila was already out and coming my way.

I stepped out of the car to greet her and open her door for her. She was almost running, her excitement shining with every step she took.

Her wavy locks were loose curls that bounced and swayed, and my eyes skirted over her dress.

Well, fuck me.

The dress reached below her knees, but with that sexy slit at the thigh, I was doomed. It was some flower printed, light yellow dress that was fit at the waist but loose as it flared down.

Her chest constricted where the square collar was, making them seem sexier and bustier, and I couldn't stop staring at them. By the time she reached me, I was still staring like some crazy person, but Mila was beautiful and deserved to be appreciated.

She didn't have any makeup on, or she did that natural look she always tells me about. Either way, fucking beautiful. She was shining, so happy and giddy, and fuck, my heart soared.

"Beautiful girl." I complimented. "The most beautiful girl."

She kissed my cheek. "You look very handsome, too."

I opened her door and helped her in before going to the driver's seat. She held my hand in hers the whole drive, like always, and I could feel her playing with my fingers.

It was something Mila did a lot. She'd trace every finger and knuckle, and caress every inch of my hand with her finger. It was like she was trying to commit every inch of me to memory.

"I've never seen you in jeans."

"I didn't even think I had any." I chuckled. "I didn't want to take you to the park in a suit."

"Thank you. I know it's a bit out of your comfort zone."

"It's not out of my comfort zone. I was the one that planned it, baby girl."

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