Chapter Thirteen

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I had my accountant look into Like Fine Wine. They were a relatively new business and tried to get famous by having restaurants, bars, clubs, and hotels shelf their wine.

Business-wise it was a pretty decent idea, but ever since that fucker walked in and disrespected Mila, I've been a little fucking biased. Jason wasn't the owner, just an employee that worked there, which was pathetic.

Since the company was new and hadn't made that much revenue, it was easy to find out who owned it and how much he was willing to pay to hand over the company.

I even went out of the way to schedule an appointment with the owner and spoke to him about how much money he could make by selling it to me.

I offered him a blank check and told him to write whatever amount he wanted, and he was stupid enough to only ask for a few million dollars.

I mean, I made that much in a week, so it wasn't too much. Nothing was too much for what I had in mind.

Now that I owned the company, I was going to fire Jason and drag his name through the mud so no one in the whole fucking city would hire him.

He'd regret what he did to Mila. He'd regret it because no one would hire him if Damien Ace Wilson said not to.

My word was law in the business world, and it was easier to make up some lies about his workmanship or fake some harassment records. Mila didn't know about this.

I hadn't involved her in any of it because I didn't know how she'd react to me buying a whole wine company so that I could fire that fucker who took her virginity only to go and fuck her shitty mom right after. He called her that vulgar nickname, too.

Crappy Lay Evans.

I would make him pay because that's what Mila deserved. She deserved justice, and fuck the legal way; I was going to do it my goddamn way. Every time I remembered what she told me, I got angry.

So fucking angry. Her mother was a grade-A bitch, and her father was a dick for abandoning her. She must have felt so alone when she was a child, and it broke my heart to think of a sad Mila with no friends or anyone to call family.

No wonder she apologized a million times when she did something wrong; her mother must have scolded or shouted at her if she made even the tiniest mistake.

No wonder she was insecure; the one guy she finally trusted to love and care for her fucked her mom without a care in the world.

To think Mila went through all this shit alone yet managed to come here every morning with a smile on her face. My brave, strong girl.

After the hug we shared, Mila awkwardly stepped out of my office and took the rest of the day off. She appeared fresh and smiling the next morning as if nothing had happened.

I had to applaud her for how she carried herself and fuck me if I didn't want to hold her in my arms again. It took me a week, longer than I wanted, to buy the wine company, and for some reason, I wanted to bring Mila with me when I fired Jason.

I've been in my office gathering up the courage for the past twenty minutes and decided some liquid courage would help. I downed a cup of Whiskey, but it didn't help, but I pushed through as I stood up and walked out of my office.

Mila was there, in one of her black skirts with slits on each side showing off those sexy legs and a red button-up shirt that she tucked into her skirt.

Her hair was in a high ponytail with her bangs brushed back slickly. I cleared my throat, and she turned her head, smiling at me as she stood up.

"Yes, Mr. Wilson."

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