Chapter Nine

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Thankfully, the annual Holiday food drive was a success this year. Even though I've been at this for years, Mila somehow made it better. She made everything better by simply being there.

She showed up before me sometimes, and I'd watch her from across the room as she smiled and laughed with everyone. The food drive was the only time I saw her out of her work clothes and in some regular clothes.

This time it was snug jeans that clung to every inch of her thighs and ass, with an off-the-shoulder olive green knit sweater. Her luscious locks were held back by one of those hair claws, and she left her bangs tucked behind her ears.

Fucking beautiful. I mean, she always was beautiful, but some days she seemed even more beautiful.

It was when she laughed, tossing her head back and placing her hand over her chest, or when she smiled that enchanting smile showing off those pearly whites.

Mila had this glowing aura surrounding her, and everyone could see it, not just me, which made her more special. Usually, the food drive started from eight in the morning and would end at one in the afternoon, but Mila, like me, always went above and beyond.

She'd show up at seven in the morning and stay past two in the afternoon. She wouldn't leave until she made sure every last person was fed and satisfied and wasn't still hungry and wanting more.

She'd go around the room and speak to them as if she belonged as if she knew their lives, and she did. She memorized every person's face and name, and it made my fucking heart soar unpredictably.

It was what made me like Mila more because she genuinely liked her job, and she didn't have to act as she did. She didn't go through the motions of what her job was, but she made every second count.

The days that followed were just stacked with business meetings, interviews, and photo-ops, and it was all back-to-back since I wanted to take a few days off for Christmas.

It was a small price to pay to see my mother and sister again next month, and I didn't mind the chaotic mess of work since Mila was with me every step of the way.

Mila was never one to complain, and you would never hear a single complaint or peep out of her mouth when we worked.

Maybe she vented to her friends or co-workers, but she was always smiling and preppy with me. The thing I enjoyed about working with Mila, besides her workmanship, was how she anticipated my every need.

She always knew what I wanted or needed and offered it up to me without my asking her to. I had told her from the beginning that I didn't enjoy telling her what to do all the time.

Mila took the initiative to quickly adapt to her surroundings at work and me. Mila was also very quick on the job, and I enjoyed how she didn't crack under pressure.

"Why name your Hotels Ace and not Wilson?" The man interviewing me asked.

It was a common question I always asked, and even though I told hundreds of people the same answer, they still asked.

"I played football throughout high school and college, and the nickname Ace stuck with me."

He pushed his glasses up his nose and read me the next question. "Why open a hotel in New Jersey and not back in your hometown, Syracruse?"

"My father was born right here in New Jersey. It's where he met and fell in love with my mother, and I wanted to honor him."

"Last question. Do you believe you would have opened up the first Ace Hotel if your father hadn't passed away?"

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