Bonus Chapter 'Look Away, and I'll Stop...'

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While it was fulfilling to expand the Ace Hotels franchise, I had overlooked how physically and emotionally draining it could be. The endless paperwork and countless phone calls with lawyers took a toll on me.

Although it was ultimately successful, at times, it left me feeling unfulfilled. Despite being only forty-six, I often complained as if I were seventy.

Recently, I've been away from home more due to the extensive international conference calls required for the European project. Which has left me with a significant time difference to manage.

Mila has been incredibly supportive throughout, but it has made it harder for me to spend quality time with my three-year-old son, Axel. So, I had to sit him down and explain that my work would keep me from being around as much.

Some may question why I needed to have this conversation with such a young child, but Mila and I believed it was essential to include him in the discussion.

We wanted to ensure that our son, Axel, didn't feel anxious, upset, or abandoned, which was something Mila strongly believed in. My time with Axel was limited, and I would be lucky to catch him before bedtime, where I would read him a story.

On occasion, I was fortunate enough to be present when Mila woke him up for school, where we would share a quick hug and kiss. Naturally, I craved more than a brief morning exchange, but it was all I could offer her for now.

I had a particularly early investor meeting today and was up before dawn. Despite Mila's insistence that I wake her before leaving, I left her a note instead since she was exhausted.

I planned to make it up to her and our son when the opportunity presented itself. As my secretary entered the room with a tablet in hand to go over my schedule, my phone began to ring.

It was only nine in the morning, so I was surprised to see Mila calling. She usually called me around lunchtime to ask if I'd be home for lunch.

Axel's drop-off was at eight-thirty, and she was either having trouble with her car or someone was giving her a hard time.

"Mila, what is it, baby girl?"

"Hey, Daddy. Nothing's wrong. I just dropped Axel off. I sent you some photos."

"I didn't see them. I'll check them right now. Is that why you called?"

"Guess what happened at drop-off?" I heard her chuckle, followed by the beeping of the car, indicating she needed to do her seatbelt. "I'm still in the car, but let me tell you before I forget."

"What is it?" I shooed my secretary away.

"Do you know Zachary's dad?"

Jim. Yeah, I knew him, and yeah, I fucking hated him.

"What does that stupid carpenter want now?"

"He doesn't want anything. He was asking about you, actually. Saying he hadn't seen you in a while."

My nose wrinkled in disgust. "Why does he fucking care if I'm there or not?"

"I don't know."

"Baby, all that bastard does is flirt with you."

"He's married. I know his wife. We spoke at the bake sale last week."

"Mila, when he shows up, don't engage him in conversation."

"Damien, all he said was that it's been a while since he last saw you at drop off and something about how you're making me do it."

"I'm making you do it? Is that what he fucking said?"

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