Chapter Twelve

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Just act like it never happened.

That was Elijah's great advice after I told him what happened. The thing is, I was a shitty liar.

I didn't know how to look someone in the eye and straight-up lie to them or pretend something didn't happen. I could barely look someone in the eye.

After the event, I went home and cried over a tub of my favorite Rocky Road ice cream. It was pathetic because I've never had anyone stand up for me in my life.

When Damien did it, I didn't know how to react. So, I chose denial because why admit to how I feel when I could just deny, deny, deny.

Damien protecting me and knocking that asshole on the ground made me like him even more and made him so much more attractive. I mean, he didn't have to do any of that. He could have just called security, but he chose to cause that scene.

Sure, it embarrassed me because everyone was staring at us, but it also made me feel important. I felt like I meant something to him.

Do you think I'd ever let a man hurt you and not do anything about it?

I mean, who says stuff like this? Would he have done this if that man had assaulted his other workers? Would he have gone to the same lengths to protect her? Or was I special in his eyes?

It was hard to tell because I wasn't on his level. I would never be on his level. Damien only dated women in high-class, gorgeous, beautiful women that were all around his age or a little younger.

Not sixteen years younger, Mila, just a few years younger. He wasn't mine to have, so I couldn't take his words out of proportion.

Elijah said that if he ever saw a girl on the streets getting harassed or assaulted, he'd knock out the guy too. Which made me feel like what Damien did was normal and common.

Damien didn't just punch him but had his foot on his neck and threatened to kill him. I don't know if that was just as normal and common, but I had to assume that it was.

Maybe men were just sick of other men ruining everything for them by harassing the female species, and that's why Damien got pressed. I couldn't find a logical explanation as to why Damien was so angry, and the only reason I had was make-believe.

Over the days we spent apart, all I thought about was if Damien had any feelings toward me. Did he like me? Maybe he saw me as a sister, and that's why he got so defensive toward me? The thought of Damien liking me was impractical.

It's been a week since we both took time off for Christmas, and it was Monday morning, and I was already on my way to work. I missed him. I missed him like I did every time I didn't see him.

Seeing Damien every morning made my day, made everything in the world seem right, and I was all but running toward the building. I clutched my iced coffee in my hand and waited for the elevator to come back down.

Some people began to gather around me, waiting as well, and once the door opened, I stepped on with everyone.

"Hey, Mila. How was your break?" Izzy asked, but it was so crowded that I could barely see her.

"It was good. How was yours?"

"It was great. Me and some other workers in finance are gonna have lunch together and catch up. Join us?"

"Yes, I'd love that. Text me." I waved to her once the doors opened, and she stepped out.

The crowd dwindled, and it was finally my turn since I was always last. I stepped out and walked to my desk. I set my coffee down on the little coaster I had and put my bag on the ground next to me. I plugged my phone in to charge and turned on the computer.

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