Chapter Five

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"No, no, no. I specifically asked for two hotel rooms, not one! How could you get this wrong?" I shouted at the woman behind the counter, and she stared at me with wide eyes as she clicked away on her screen.

I could feel Mila tensing up next to me, but she didn't speak. She hasn't said more than two words since we got on the plane and jetted to Rome.

She's just been reading or writing away on her laptop, and I didn't want to bother her. I didn't know what was going on in her mind, and I didn't feel like invading her privacy and space, so I kept to myself.

"My secretary and I have been traveling for nine hours, and we're fucking exhausted. Do you have the reservation wrong, or did you make a mistake?"

I bit harshly, and the woman shriveled as she picked up the phone and dialed, probably calling her manager.

It was ten-thirty at night, and we had a meeting tomorrow morning at eight am, and I was already feeling the effect of jet lag.

I was either going to kill the woman behind the counter for making a mistake or go and look for a different hotel. A man approached us, and the blondie stood up, giving him the chair.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Serento. I'm the manager here. What seems to be the problem?" He asked in English, but you could hear the thickness from his Italian accent.

"Wilson. My name is Damien Wilson, and I made a reservation for two hotel rooms. She says that there's only one room available."

His eyes went to the screen, and I saw him scan it for a few moments. "We apologize for the mistake, Signor Wilson, but we have you only booked for one room. And as of right now, there are no other spare rooms."

I slammed my hand on the counter, and the man flinched slightly. I opened my mouth, about to pick a fight and make a scene for how stupid they must have been to have done it wrong when Mila placed her hand next to mine.

"It's fine," She spoke from next to me. "Does this room have one or two beds?"

"One bed, I'm afraid, Signora."

My head turned to face her. She looked more tired than me, and I wasn't going to drag her around Rome this late at night to find a new hotel.

"We could share the room." She offered.

"Yeah, you sure?" I asked, meeting those beautiful eyes and melting into them as she offered me a small smile.

"Yeah, it'll be fine." She reassured me.

The bellhop took our bags to the elevator and up to our suite. I tipped him reluctantly since they fucked up my reservation and almost slammed the door in his face for how annoyed I still was.

The room was huge, and I knew it wouldn't be a problem for us to be in it alone. We would have to be very wary and alert, so we didn't bump into each other.

The bed in the middle of the elegant hotel room was spacious enough for three people and looked comfortable as fuck. I could see Mila eyeing it from the corner of the room. She looked so sleepy, and fuck me; it was adorable.

"You wanna head in the bathroom and wash up first?" I asked, and she tore her eyes away from the bed and gave me a slight nod.

She dropped her suitcase to the floor, and I saw her give me her back as she opened it and began rummaging through it. She grabbed what she needed and walked inside the bathroom, and I heard the clicking sound of the lock.

I let out a breath as I tried to figure out what the fuck I was going to do now. Nervous. I felt fucking nervous. Only Mila had this influence on me. My hands were sweaty as I set my suitcase on the couch on the other side of the room.

Never Letting You GoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz