Chapter Twenty-Two

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"I have to go back outside or else people will start to wonder why your secretary is never at her desk."

I tried to get off his lap, but his arms gripped my waist tighter. "Damien."

"A few more minutes." He suggested, his lips skating over my neck.

I closed my eyes briefly, before pushing his head away. "I've been here for too long."

"I'll miss you."

"I'm right outside. I have work. You have work. We agreed we wouldn't spend too much time together at work."

"Fuck work." His hands gripped my thighs, pinning me there, and I bit the urge to roll my eyes.

I cupped his face and made him look at me. "How about you let me go now and tonight you can come over to my place and I'll bake you cookies?" I bargained.

"Double chocolate chip?"

I grinned. "Of course."

I kissed his nose, which he thought was an unacceptable way to say goodbye, so he pulled me in for a kiss.

I yanked my mouth away and he let me go. I fixed my pants and shirt and then my hair before walking out of his office.

I quickly buried myself in the work I've been slacking off on since Damien and I obviously couldn't keep our hands to ourselves.

I finished the meeting notes that have been put on hold, re-edited them, typed them, and printed and laminated them. I returned phone calls and redid his schedule for tomorrow.

I called back companies and clients that Damien wanted to work with and set up a meeting with them.

I sipped on my coffee while I replied to every work email that filled my inbox. I took a quick break to stretch my back and legs, before diving back into the files that Damien wanted me to do some research on.

That took me about two hours and by then Damien was out for a lunch meeting with a client. I set the last file down and then opened up my private email.

I scanned through the ads, scams, and coupons for a free candle and stopped when I saw something strange. The email was from an unknown sender and the subject was titled; READ THIS NOW, in big block black letters.

I double-clicked and read the email.

Either you wire us $500,000 or these pictures will be sold to every media outlet.

There were four photos attached, along with the bank account number and I clicked on them and almost dropped my coffee when I saw that they were pictures of Damien and me together.

Not together like working, but together kissing, hugging, touching, holding hands, and out on dates.

I placed my hand over my mouth as I tried to see if I could zoom in to see if there was a reflection in any of the photos, but no such luck.

The person who had caught us was going to blackmail us. They wanted five hundred thousand dollars. I didn't even have a thousand in my bank account, let alone five hundred.

I thought about deleting it and pretending I never saw it, but I couldn't do that to Damien.

Ace Hotels was his entire life. He built it from the ground up, on his own, and I couldn't have all of his hard work gone to waste.

My heart was racing so loudly I couldn't think, and my hands were shaking so much I couldn't even type up a reply. As if I knew, what the fuck I would even tell whoever it was on the other line.

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