Chapter Seven

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The Rome trip was supposed to be for ten days, but with our hotel situation and being tough to find another room cause of the holidays; I had to cut it back to three days.

Our second day in Rome consisted of working all day, meeting with my investors and clients, speaking to the team about the blueprints, and changing them to what they liked.

Mila and I left the hotel room at eight in the morning and dove right into it all, and by the time we were finished, it was late.

Later than usual, but the people of Rome didn't have some tight and set work schedule. They liked to drink wine, eat pasta, and do their meetings between cracking jokes and telling overdramatic stories.

Mila and I indulged them, of course, and even though she couldn't speak the language, all she had to do was smile or laugh at their jokes for them to trust her.

We had a late dinner, and once we got home, Mila had enough energy to slip into some pajamas and pass out. Pajamas I bought her since she didn't have any.

She was snuggled up under the blanket, her soft snores filling the room while I was fully awake. I couldn't sleep for a million reasons. Half of them were Mila, but the other half was me being anxious about the new hotel.

Technically all of my work in Rome was done, and so was the legal and finance part. All I had to do was come when they were about to open, cut the ribbon, shake some hands, take some photos, and then I was off to the next goal in my life.

It made me rethink my entire life. Is this all I would be doing forever? Working, making money, building hotels, and celebrating it with no one special.

Would I ever be able to call Mila mine and take care of her and maybe one day love her? Would that life never belong to me? I wasn't a bad guy.

An older man or not, I was kind and pleasant, and I didn't mind spoiling the fuck out of her if she ever let me, yet I knew this stupid age gap would always be a red flag and in the way.

I couldn't have her even if I wanted to because of the way our lives were entangled. My secretary. My beautiful fucking secretary. How fucking cliché.

I put my head on the pillow and turned Mila's back in view, and I willed myself to fall asleep. I barely closed my eyes when I felt movement. I opened them back up to see that Mila was now on her back, and her blanket was kicked down her body.

Was she hot? The AC was on, and the room was pretty cool. I sat up, my hand about to reach to cover her back up, when she let out a low sound.

Thinking she had woken up, I froze and turned to her face, but she was still asleep. I saw her hands on her sides come up and dance over her shirt before lifting it.

Her hand spanned across her stomach, and then she let out another sound. This one was a little huskier, and when I saw her cheeks flush, I wondered if she was having a dirty dream.

Her hand crawled up her stomach, and I could see her cupping a breast, her hips fidgeting, and legs spreading on the bed.

"Touch me." She whimpered. "Please,"


I should wake her up, right? Or maybe leave the room, make a loud noise, and wake her up? Maybe I should just leave the room and come back in a bit.

What I shouldn't do was watch her massage her breast while the other one pushed down her pants. I shouldn't be watching her touch herself. I shouldn't be getting hard at watching her. I should leave.

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