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Noah's POV

There weren't many people here today, so I finished my work early. Just arranging some books and entering data in the computer. Today two of my coworkers were on a leave, and I haven't seen the other one for like an hour. So, basically it was just me now.

I was bored, so I decided to look for some interesting book to read. I was just searching for a book, when suddenly someone grabbed my hand. I flinched. I looked up to see the same man from a week ago. He smiled at me and it was super creepy.

I began to panic, I looked around but there was no one near by. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, from how hard he was gripping my hand. I tried to free my hand, but his grip was too strong.

He dragged me behind the last stairscase and pushed me against the wall. Still he didn't loosen his grip on my wrist. I was full on crying by that time.

"Will you be quite for a minute?" He said in a hurried but hushed voice. And everything around me started to turn into the room, I was locked in. The person in front of me turned into the demon I fear the most, the demon known as my father.

"How are you still alive, you fag? How can you breath the same air around me? How dare you? You have no right to be alive. Just die bitch! die!" He screamed at my face. I tried my best to make myself as small as possible.  

"I said die! why are you still alive bitch, huh? Are you disobeying me now? You dare to?" He screamed again and became to hit me. He kicked me again and again. Unable to bear the pain, I chocked out a sob. He stopped for a second.

"Looks like the fag still has his voice left." He said with a creepy smile. He left the room and came back with a cloth that we usually use to clean the floors.

He shoved it inside my mouth. He began to undo his belt. He tied the belt around my neck and began to tight it to the point where I was chocking.

"You know what, you look so much like your mother. But she died, because of you, slut. Now you die too. Die!". He began to laugh like a maniac. Everything around me turned black, it was like a black hole was consuming me. 'May be dying is better than this' was the last thought before I lost consciousness.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

I woke up sweating and looked around, I was not in the same room, I was not with my demon. It was just a dream. Just a dream. He can never get me again. I am alright. I am safe.

I repeated these words to myself again and again like Oli taught me to do, if I have a nightmare again. But it wasn't helping, I hid my head between my knees. Making myself as small as possible. It was so vivid, it was like I was experiencing it again.

I could still feel hands on myself. It was like someone is still touching my arms. 'Go away, Please. Leave me alone. Help me, someone please.' I thought to myself.

Then suddenly a voice bought me back. It was saying my name. It was saying that it will be alright, everything will be alright, I was safe. No one will ever hurt me.

I didn't know why but I believed it. I slowly opened my eyes, only to see...


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