chapter 14

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-march 23rd 1986-
-y/n's pov-
I woke up with a pair of arms hugging me tightly as if I was some teddy bear. a warm but gentle breeze blew through the window which was opened just a little. as the spring air hit me I twitched a little causing the girl beside me to stir in her slumber. I placed a hand on top of el's hand as I gave myself a minute to fully wake up. but el seemed drawn to my hand, she snuggled closer to me before mumbling, "warm." I chuckled silently to myself at el's reaction.

-time skip-

I now stood with el in the upstairs hall, wearing some clothes I had accidentally forgotten the last time I stayed around her's, until there was a sudden knock at the door. jonathan had already answered but the tone in his voice was intriguing so we both slowly began to trail down the stairs until el was in sight.
"hey there." the cop had noticed el, "you jane hopper?"
I now had finished walking down the stairs and I peeked around to see who was at the door, my heart dropped when my eyes were met with two police officers.
they both eyed me suspiciously before speaking up, "and are you y/n miller?" (miller is marty's surname btw its also yours bc he adopted you)

the cold metal of the handcuffs clashed with my wrists and I heard a clicking noise indicating that they had been locked. I looked to my left to find a distressed but saddened el helplessly looking at the floor.
"you both have the right to remain silent" the cop told us both, "anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for the both of you."

the cops walked us out of the house until we reached the cop car as kids with skateboards watched. the others tried to argue with the cops but there was no way to stop the law enforcement. either side of the car the doors were opened and I was shoved inside on the left seat in the back of the vehicle. the doors closed with a slam as the policemen took their own seats in the front. mike and will began to thump their fists at the window.
"everything will be okay, alright?" they tried to reassure us but it didn't work, I was far too lost in a train of anxious thoughts. the sirens began to whoop as the car started but there was no point in the sirens being on really, the cops were only taking to teenage girls who meant no harm to them to the police station. I suppose they were just showing off which cops tend to do a lot. (they do show off a lot, my dad's a policeman, trust me!)

I glanced over to el, she wore a defeated expression and she looked as if she was about to completely give up in the world. words cannot explain how much I wanted to give her even an ounce of comfort but there was no way to.

there was no way until I thought about it.

with my powers, I began to make the handcuffs which were secured around my wrists melt. as the scorching hot, molten metal touched my skin I tried not to wince in pain but eventually I slipped my hands away from the leftovers of the cuffs. I reached a hand out to el before reassuringly resting it on her left thigh. she abruptly shot her head up from the floor to look at me, confusion painted in her face. I removed my hand to point at the blood trickling from my nose. her lips parted into an 'o' shape when she realised. I then gestured to her own cuffs, she nodded. I concentrated hard on making them melt and in a matter of seconds, the metal began to deform at my own will. shortly after, el freed herself from the cuffs with my help but then the cops had noticed.
"hey!" one of them boomed whilst looking in the rear-view mirror, "what you doin back there?"
"nothing" I replied trying to sound as innocent as I could but I knew that wouldn't work, I had to make a distraction. so with ease I set a tree, on the side of the road, that the car was quickly approaching on fire.
"shit!" the officer exclaimed whilst swerving the car away from the tree.
"gosh, very wreckless driving sir, might have to call the cops" I snickered.
"and that's one thing going to be used against you in court" the officer retorted.

-time skip-

"and that's when it happened?" a different officer asked me in the station.
"yeah, I guess" I shrugged.
"and how did it happen?" the other officer asked.
this time I remained silent, unsure of how to answer his question, I racked my brain in need of an answer.
"I dunno" I sighed, getting a little fed up.
"you don't know how it happened?" an officer inquired, "you know the mess you caused really could've hurt someone."
"yeah I know." I said, now feeling annoyed.
"she seems annoyed." one of the officers said to the other.
"yeah, maybe because I am." I muttered under my breath.
"what was that?" a cop asked.
"I said maybe because I am!" I yelled at the two men before me before thumping my fists angrily on the table, the pages in their notepads ripped off and began to fly around the room whilst the coffee in their cups boiled in the heat that radiated off me.
the two men rose from their seats before approaching me with their arms out.
"no! no! no!" I shouted at them whilst backing away into the wall.


"O-27" a russian guard teased whilst gradually stepping closer and closer to me, "time for testing."
"no, no, no.." I trembled but the man ignored me completely and grabbed me tightly by my shoulder before dragging me along down the dark, eery corridors of the russian base.

-end of flashback-

but it was too late, the police officers had already gotten ahold of me and I was now holding a board with all my information on for my mugshot. a quick flash of light blinded me for a second before I was told to turn around to face the other way, another flash of light yet again blinded my vision causing me to scowl.


an officer held my arm whilst my fingerprint was marked on a piece of paper with ink.


the next thing I knew, I was being escorted into a police van. whilst sending angry glares to any officer that walked by. but thankfully as I was shoved into the van I turned around to see el being taken to the same van I sat in. once she was in and the door was closed I immediately shuffled over next to her.
"you okay?" I asked, concerned.
she just nodded.
"good" I said, "it's gonna be fine, you know that right?"
"yeah" she mumbled, "I know.."
I looked down to see her hand twitching, I reached my hand out to hold hers, I gave her hand a light squeeze.
"we're going to be okay." I spoke strongly, my voice only indicating confidence so that she knew I 100% meant it and I wasn't just saying it to make her feel better.
she turned to make eye-to-eye with me, "thank you." her lips curled up into a weak smile as she melted into my side which was obviously giving her warmth due to me recently using my powers.

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