chapter 29

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-y/n's pov-

"mike shush! they're sleeping!" I heard will's voice softly scold.

"I know! just one more picture hold on.." mike's voice then appeared.


"huh?!" I dozily opened my eyes at the clicking noise, "w-what's going on?"

sat before me, also on the
air-mattress was a giggling mike and will, mike with a camera in his hand and many printed photos discarded on the floor.

"what the hell-" I exclaimed before looking at where I was, "oh- I see why you were taking pictures now"

el had nuzzled her head into my chest and her arms were wrapped around my shoulders as muffled snores were heard.

"reminder that I will get you back." I playfully warned the boys before cuddling back up to el.


"alright brochachos, we're here!" yawned argyle awakening both me and el from our slumber.

I looked through the window to see complete and utter chaos, scared people crowded the streets, all gathered around destroyed buildings that clouds of smoke rose from.


shortly after, the van skidded to a halt in a nice neighbourhood in front of a large house. the van door opened with a slam and out we piled.

hope clouded the faces of the people that stood before us, though I knew none of them.

"Mum!" Mike exclaimed as he collided with a blonde haired woman in a hug.
Jonathan sprinted up to another girl and lifted her during their own hug and as for Will and El, they ran up to a boy who looked our age and they shared a loving hug.

watching three reunions at once was a heartwarming sight and I couldn't help but smile. that was when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I swung around to see a boy and a girl who I presumed were Jonathan's age.
"Don't tell me I've got another kid to babysit!" the boy chuckled, the girl then patted his shoulder and laughed,
"think you do steve."
the boy shook his head typically before holding out his hand for me to shake, I accepted his offer as he told me his name.
"steve." he grinned, the girl then held out her hand which I also shook.
"robin." she smiled.
"y/n," I told them with a beam, "el told me a lot about you, robin."
her face grew worried for a split-second, like she didn't want someone to know something, "she did?"
"mhm! you seem really cool, both of you!" I smiled, the compliment only made their own smiles grow.


the hospital door opened with a click as me, mike, will, el, nancy and Jonathan walked in.

"oh my god!" a boy sat in the room exclaimed as he hugged mike and will.

after, he shared a sweet hug with El,
"I'm sorry.." el said into his shoulder, they then broke apart and El slowly approached the bed where Max's unconscious body rested.

el put her hood down and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Do they know.. when she'll wake?" asked el.

"No," the boy I knew to be Lucas replied, "they say she might not.. her heart stopped for over a minute. She died. I- I mean clinically but then she came back." Lucas inhaled deeply, "the doctors don't know how, they say it's a miracle."

all eyes then fell to el, who was just staring longingly down at her lost best friend. she then held max's casted hand in her own.

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