She IS a gaylor

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"Who's Dana?" Carson asked, coming inside with her large backpack on her shoulder.

Read the fucking room, Shaw, Carson told herself mentally when she watched the two people staring at each other in deep silence. Certainly, it wasn't a subject Carson was invited to discuss.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, I'll go outside, and once you're both ready to leave, you let me know".

"Don't be silly", Greta said, Dana's name was erased from her mind by Carson's stuttering voice, and she immediately smiled at Carson, "leave your bag below my bed and go sit on the seat behind the driver's, I'm going in the front seat with Joey. And put on your seat belt, Joey drives like a maniac".

"HEY," Joey protested.

Carson did as she was told. She tucked her bag into the space below Greta's bed and then sat down on the seat just behind the driver's seat, fastening her seat belt. She felt warm all over again. Greta was bossy and Carson suddenly felt so obedient, it made her thrilled and angry at the same time.

Greta also fastened her seat belt and then turned a bit sideways to look at Carson. Carson realized that she could've sat behind Greta and they wouldn't see each other the whole way to Des Moines, but Greta had made sure she was seated where they could see each other. It made Carson even warmer. What was that woman doing to her?

Carson dropped her eyes to her phone, she couldn't bear to look at Greta with all the inappropriate thoughts running through her mind.

"Twitter?" Greta asked. Joey had already started driving.

"What?" Carson asked back. She was actually staring at nothing on her phone screen, literally her home page where there was only a clock widget.

"What are you looking at, on your phone?" Greta insisted on the question, "is it Twitter?".

"I don't have a Twitter account or any other social media account".

"I told you she wasn't a gaylor", Joey commented, the aha clear in their voice, "she isn't even on Twitter".

"What's a gaylor?" Carson asked, she wasn't familiar with the term, but also wasn't completely clueless, "is this about Taylor Swift being queer?".

"I told you she'd know", Greta smiled victoriously, "so, what's your opinion on that?".

"No idea, but I guess she's bi".

"Are you?", Greta asked.


"Bisexual, Carson, keep up, dude", Joey added, suddenly very interested in the answer, "are you?".

"Also no idea", Carson honestly answered.

Greta beamed at her and Carson knew why. Carson hadn't said she was queer, but answering that question with no idea was certainly not a straight person's answer.


Carson kept quiet for a while after that. She checked her phone more than once and checked the to-do list she had passed from the piece of paper to her notes app.

The Taylor Swift concert was a sure deal. She had gotten drunk fine already. The crappy motel would have to be changed for a motorhome slumber party. Fast food could be easily arranged. She also had a good feeling about finding out more about who she was. So the only thing missing was... Karaoke!

"So I had this silly idea", Carson started.

"What?" Greta asked, turning on her seat.

"You guys have gigs tonight and tomorrow night, so if we leave Perrysburg Friday morning means we have a whole 24h in NY before the concert".

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