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(Hi, hello, so this is a little bit different from the rest, not in content, but in the way I wrote it, and I'd really appreciate if you could give me some feedback about your experience reading this specific chapter. Better? Worse? Just different? Any thoughts? Thank you!)


Joey's telling them they're so much work. The rain has stopped. They take the subway. A few people are wearing Taylor-Swift-themed t-shirts and Carson smiles at them. Greta won't let go of Carson. They sit very close together. Joey teases them about being so clingy, but they don't really care. Maybelle smiles softly and tells them she loves seeing the two of them like that. Greta has her arm over Carson's shoulder. Carson loves how warm it feels to be in Greta's space.

They're back at the camping site after over an hour of a subway ride. Greta's asking softly to have a moment alone with Carson. They get blankets and go lie down by the lake, leaving Jo and May in the RV. Carson can't stop smiling. Greta can't stop kissing her smiley face. It's a bit cold so they lie on one thick blanket, covering themselves with another one. Carson stares at the few stars above, her arm below her head like a pillow. Greta's lying on her side, her face on the crook of Carson's neck, her leg draped over Carson's thighs. They breathe in and out in the same rhythm. Greta kisses Carson's jaw.

I can't believe you're mine. She whispers in her ear.

Carson smiles because she is, and it's the most amazing feeling. She's free. And she's Greta's. At the same time.

I am.

Her voice is solemn and proud saying it. Greta kisses her jaw again, then down her neck, her mouth now open and soft and warm. Carson whines lowly. Greta lifts Carson's shirt and scratches her stomach.

I want to touch you.

Carson shyly and lowly moans please because she wants that too.

Greta is careful and so so soft with her touches. She plays with Carson's nipples over the fabric of her sports bra and Carson sighs feeling her fingertips rolling on them. Carson keeps quiet, her eyes closed, feeling Greta's hand on her navel and her mouth sucking on the pulse point on her neck. It is almost too much when Greta slips her hand into Carson's panties, she's already so wet.

Oh, Carson.

Greta doesn't go inside, there's so much to feel out there. Carson's sticky and soft and so goddamn warm. Greta's mouth waters. Carson spreads her legs a little. Greta feels her little bud harden below her fingertips.

You're perfect.

Carson bites her lower lip, turns her head to the side and pulls at Greta's hair to bring her up, and kisses her. Greta's rubbing her so tightly. Carson's moans die in Greta's mouth while they kiss messily and deeply. And Carson's gone. And Greta feels it all, how she bucks and throbs and sucks Greta's lower lip.

And Greta feels so lucky.

I love you, Carson. She whispers against her lips.

It takes Carson a while to process what Greta's touch does to her body and then what Greta's words do to her heart. She's never been this happy or this in love in her life, and it has barely started, suddenly she can't wait to have everything with Greta. Road trips, lazy mornings, crazy nights, days at the beach - playing with Leo, and Benjamin, and Thomas, evenings watching Greta and Joey play, and candlelit dinners and then love confessions whispered as if they were secrets after they're done making love, just like at that very moment.

I love you, Greta.

Joey's driving. Then Carson's driving. Then Greta's driving. Then Maybelle's driving. It's around two when they get to Des Moines. It's dark and they're tired and the whole house's asleep, so they pile up on Jo and May's king-size and blackout. Carson wakes up on top of Greta and Leo's hopping up and down by the bed, excitedly yelling it's time to take the road, so they go. And it's after eight on Monday night when they get to Rawlins. Jenny makes room for them, putting an inflatable mattress in her guest bedroom for Greta and Carson, right by the queen-size Joey, Maybelle and Leo sleep on. The little one rolls over in the middle of the night and falls on Greta. She moves him carefully to the side and Carson wakes up when the little boy, still asleep, hugs her by the middle, his tiny hand settling on her stomach.

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