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New York was an enormous city. Much bigger than Carson had ever imagined it. It was full of lights: coming out from the windows of houses and apartments, from stores and restaurants illuminated signs, from lampposts, from traffic lights, from people walking down the streets with their phones in hand. It moved too fast, but too slow at the same time, particularly fast because people were in a frenzy on the street trying to leave work and go home or go to pubs for the happy hour, but slow because they'd got there right during rush hour.

It took them some time to reach their parking place due to the traffic jam, but they got there, paid the fee, and parked the RV in Camp Gateway, where there was a nice view of the water and would be a nice place to stay the night when they got back from the karaoke bar.

"You look… nice." Greta said when Carson came out of the trailer wearing tight and dark jeans, an off-white t-shirt, and her leather jacket.

"Just nice?" Carson asked defiantly.

Greta got closer to her, noticing Carson looked a bit taller than normal - she was wearing platform moccasins and Greta was in flat boots. She reached for the jacket collar and pulled her close, kissing her lips softly.

"Really nice."

"That's better," Carson sounded cocky, and Greta loved it. "You look gorgeous. Red suits you."

"I'll remember that."

Two hours after getting to New York and a Lyft ride later, they got to the pub Jo had chosen for their karaoke night. The place was packed, the cafe high tables were scattered all around, a bunch of people chatting loudly around their cups set on the tables, another bunch in a line to add their names and songs to the karaoke list.

"Oh my God, I'm going to the line! Carson, you're pairing with me, Jo sucks at karaoke," Maybelle said.

"Wow my own wife," they said, "guess it's you and me then, bandmate," they grabbed Greta's hand.

"Please choose good songs for me and Joey. And no Taylor Swift," Greta asked Maybelle.

"You can choose a lot of Taylor Swift for us, May," Carson said giggling. "I'm getting us drinks."

Carson came back a bit later with a couple of beers for Joey and herself and fruity vodka drinks for Greta and Maybelle. Greta accepted hers and took a sip, licking her lips.

"I love strawberries, thank you," she said.

"Give me a thank you kiss then," Carson asked.

"A thank you kiss?" Greta rolled her eyes, but got closer to her, "you know you can just ask for a kiss, right? Or better, come and take what you want."

Carson would've growled if they were someplace alone, but she kept it inside, she saved it for later… then moved forward and leaned in to kiss her lips. They were soft and sweet as always. Greta touched her cheeks and kept kissing her for a while longer. The encounter felt intimate, even though they were surrounded by people and colorful lights, and loud music.

They let go of each other but their eyes met and just couldn't do the same, staring at each other for what could've been an eternity. There was so much unsaid between them, so many feelings unspoken, words at the tip of their tongues, bubbling blood in their veins threatening to make them combust from want and need, their faces imprinted on the inside of each other's eyelids like they could never let go and never forget, and all those racing thoughts inside their heads. All those questions. What does this mean? What are we? Where can we go from here?

Greta was so afraid to even talk about all those feelings, let alone ask questions. The idea of hearing Carson's voice saying she couldn't, she wouldn't, and that'd be the end of them… it made her shiver.

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