Cheap-ass screw-top rosé

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"We can talk, or we can not talk, just don't ask me to leave you alone, 'cause I don't think I'll be able to do it", Greta said.

One more thing Carson had never experienced before.

Greta was willing to be there for her, with no demands, no questions asked and no need for answers or resolutions. She just wanted to be there for her. And Carson appreciated it. It made her feel grateful. But there was more. It made her feel more. So much more.

Something about Greta caring for her like that...

Carson took her by the face and kissed her.

Just like that.

She kissed her softly and slowly.

Warm and safe. That's how Greta made her feel.

And Carson let herself enjoy the comfort of her lips.

The tip of their tongues touched for a second, sending a wave of heat down their bodies.

Greta touched Carson's face and softly broke the kiss.

Of course, she wanted more of that kiss, but she also knew Carson had been crying before and she wasn't about to take advantage of that moment of vulnerability.

"We can leave if you want," Greta proposed, "maybe walk around a little?".

Carson just nodded and they got up.

Greta picked up two bottles on their way out of the cellar.

"What have you got there?" Carson asked, trying to see what was the liquid in the bottles, but unable to do it because of the low lighting.

"Rosé wine, I know how to be a swiftie, ok?" Carson smiled and Greta considered it a winning.

Carson didn't notice, but Greta nodded at Joey on their way out of the bar. Just to let them know it was all good, but they needed to leave. Joey nodded back and watched them leave, praying silently that their friend knew what she was doing, and that Carson was really someone different, someone that would take care of Greta too.

Outside, the cold breeze made Carson shiver, but soon Greta had her arm around her shoulders and offered her one of the bottles of wine. Carson took a sip, glad that Greta had already opened it for her. One sip wouldn't warm her up, so she took another one.

"It's so cold," Carson complained.

Greta brought her even closer on that side hug, "keep walking, it'll help".

They walked in silence, very close together until they reached the city's church square. Greta guided Carson around it, to the back of the church where there was a small fountain and some benches around it. They sat down in one of them.

"I married them here," Greta said.

"What?", Carson asked.

"Joey and May," she smirked, "Maybelle always wanted to have a church wedding, and well, they could never, so... one night after Joey said they should lock it down and they signed the papers, I brought them here, and married them, facing the fountain and the church. I even checked the sayings online to do it properly. May was beautiful, she had a blue dress on, and she was so pregnant. Joey was wearing shorts, they were so pissed I didn't let them know I was marrying them, but I knew they were happy. They kissed her mouth and then her belly after saying I do. It was one of the prettiest moments I ever had the chance to witness".

"I don't remember saying I do," Carson said, not sure why she was bringing that up, she hadn't thought about Charlie at all after she met Greta, at least not in the way she was supposed to think about her husband. She'd only thought she wanted to be far away from him.

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