Girls just wanna have fun

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content warning: explicit sex scene

Carson woke up to Greta’s kisses, her lips softly caressing her cheeks, her jaw, going down to her neck. The warmth of them made her skin tingly and the little swoop in her lower abdomen made her smile shyly.

“Morning, cutie,” Greta said, her lips never leaving Carson’s skin, now she was focused on her shoulder and collarbone.

Carson kept her eyes closed, relishing the feel of Greta's mouth.

She didn’t remember falling asleep.

She remembered having the best night of her life, she remembered Greta’s arms around her as they kissed softly and slowly after many heated kisses that led to many orgasms. She remembered Greta with her head tucked into the crook of her neck while they lay on one side, facing each other, talking about their favorite smells. Old books and fresh coffee. The beach on a sunny and breezy day and peppermint tea. She remembered Greta’s hair’s scent and the taste of her body, the texture of her tongue, the sound of her whispering voice.

She remembered everything, but she didn’t remember falling asleep.

It was almost as if she’d been sleeping the whole night, and all of this was just a dream she was still dreaming and didn’t want to wake up from.

“Morning,” she finally opened her eyes to find Greta on top of her.

“How did you sleep?”

“I didn’t even realize I’d fallen asleep.”

“We were half way into a debate about Jane Austen’s best book.”

“Which of course is Pride and Prejudice.” She remembered the conversation.

“If Emma didn’t exist, I’d agree with you.”

“But Elizabeth-”

“She’s amazing, all of Jane Austen’s female characters are, but Emma… she’s so much fun.”

“It’s not really about fun, is it? They were… subversive in many ways.”

“And what’s more subversive than a woman having fun in the nineteenth century?”

Carson looked at her, she’d never seen it from that perspective and it kind of blew her mind.

“What?” Greta asked, curious about Carson’s eyes staring so intently at her face.

“You look so hot when you got a point,” Carson flirted, but it was true.

“Well, I’m hot and on top of you, so what are you going to do about it, Carson?”

Carson propped herself up, the duvet falling to her lap and showing her naked breasts. She put her hands around Greta’s waist, then slowly slided them down, reaching below her dress and finding bare skin where her panties should be. She moaned at the mere thought of continuing to move her hands below that dress, knowing she’d only find soft and warm skin.

Greta pulled up her own dress while Carson watched her, her white skin glowed under the low light coming from a crack in the curtains. Her nipples were already hard and Carson’s mouth watered at the sight of them. She leaned to kiss them, but Greta didn't let her. She lifted her head and kissed her again, sucking her tongue, moaning against her, and Carson held her, her arms around her waist and shoulders.

Greta cut the kiss and left her lap and Carson whimpered in protest. 

“Where are you going?” she pouted.

“I want you naked,” she said, getting rid of the duvet and then sinalling for Carson to lift her hips up, so she could take off her boxers.

Once they were both completely naked, Greta pushed Carson down onto the bed with a tip of a finger. Carson didn’t really put up any resistance, she just let it happen. Greta was again on her lap, but sitting on only one of her thighs. Carson moaned when Greta grinded against her, leaving a wet streak there. Carson’s center throbbed and she held in a groan when Greta moved up a bit, their centers now completely on each other. Carson would never be able to tell if it was her or Greta or both, but it was so warm and wet and swollen and the pulsation… it made her want to scream.

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