Checking boxes

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Greta woke up and Carson was still against her, sleeping peacefully. They had slid together on the bed and Carson was now by her side, but hugging her like a koala bear, with arms and legs around her, and her head on her chest.

Greta took a deep breath, breathing her in, enjoying her warmth, longing for that to last forever. But the sun was up outside, and they had to start getting ready to leave, or soon enough Jo would be knocking on their door.

“Carson,” she tried to wake her, caressing her hair softly, “Carson, we need to get up”.

“Morning,” Carson said with a sleepy voice. “I slept so well”.

“Am I a nice pillow?” Greta asked.

“You’re very comfy, yes,” Carson grinned.

Carson got up, stretching her arms, and reached for Greta to help her up.

“Do you always wake up this beautiful?” she asked.

“I always try to do my best,” Greta smiled coyly.

Carson yawned. “God I really need coffee."

“Coffee as soon as you wake up isn’t good for you,” Greta said back.

“I know, but I can’t really do the standing and talking without coffee,” she repeated, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

“Go freshen up, I’m getting you coffee”.

“Nice sleep, Gill?” Joey asked as soon as Greta entered the kitchen.

Greta rolled her eyes, “very nice, actually”.

“So no sleep at all, I presume”.

“Nothing happened, Jo. We just drank wine and talked, and then slept”.

“Really???” Joey glanced at her doubtfully. “You serious?”

Greta just nodded. “I need coffee, for Carson.”

“Sarge just made a pot,” they pointed, “is she good?”, Joey asked, thinking about the night before, when they had left the bar sooner than planned.

“Family stuff,” Greta grimaced.

“You really are a match,” Joey teased, and Greta laughed at the fact that they matched even about that, family trauma.

“I wish we didn’t. Match. At all,” Greta’s eyes dropped to her feet.

“I think she feels the same.” Joey said empathetically. 

“We kissed,” she confessed.

“Oh, man!” May had just entered the kitchen. “I knew it would happen.”

“Were you guys talking about us last night?” Greta chuckled. “Didn’t you have sex to catch up on or something?”

“Oh, we did catch up on that, but May loves gossip after sex, it’s basically her cigarette”.

“I despise you,” Greta scowled. “Got the coffee for Carson, I’ll see you guys in a bit.”

“Planning on having the trailer for yourselves a little longer, bird?” Joey teased.

“Jealous much?” Greta teased back, leaving the kitchen.

“I told you it would happen,” May told Joey as soon as Greta was out. 

“They were about to kiss on the field last night. I had to pop their bubble.”

May looked at them, seeing all of their concern.

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