First place prize

336 7 5

content warning: explicit sex scene

Greta traced her jaw with a fingertip and went down her shoulder and arm until she reached her hand. “C’mon, we got somewhere else to be”.

“We do?” Carson asked, not really sure what Greta meant by that. Her skin was still tingling where Greta had just touched her and it was very distracting.

Greta guided Carson to McCready’s table, where Joey and Maybelle had just sat down to dive into a huge bowl of chili fries. She kissed both of them on the front.

“Can I have my bag?”, Greta asked and May gave her the small, but full bag she’d brought earlier, “we’re heading out,” she added.

“Oh, out where?” Joey asked, looking at Carson.

“Don’t look at me, I have no idea where we’re going,” Carson grinned excitedly.

“Be safe,” Maybelle said.

“Ok, mom, dad,” Greta teased, rolling her eyes.

Carson reached for Greta’s hand, smiling when Greta pulled her close and passed her arm around her shoulders, so they could walk out very close together.

“They’re down so bad,” Josephine stated.

“Horrendously,” Maybelle agreed.

The horrendously-down pair was already out of the bar, walking down the main street, fingers entwined.

“You realize we camped that way?” Carson pointed behind her back, where a few blocks down they had parked the motorhome in a camp.

“Yeah, but this way, we’re going to the entrance of the city, and I saw a place there I’d like to take you”.

Carson didn’t understand, she couldn’t remember seeing something different or special when they were coming into town, but she understood when they got there.

It was a motel, not a very crappy one, but still a motel. The outside was painted white and red, rooms side by side, just a door and one single window on each one of them, a front desk in a reception area on the left far side.

“It was another thing on your list and I thought we should make it happen.”

Carson just smiled. One more time mesmerized by the fact that Greta Gill actually paid attention to her and wanted her to have what she needed. Greta went by the desk and picked up a key, leading Carson to the first floor. There was a yard in the back and their bedroom upstairs, number thirteen, had its door and window turned to the back. The green darkness outside was quite a nice view.

The room was all painted beige. The bed sheets were a bit tacky, all patterned with small red flowers, but they were really soft. The lighting in the bed lamp was a bit yellowish. It was all unusually warm and welcoming for a motel room, especially because the place smelled like peach air freshener, and Carson loved that smell.

Carson went inside first, Greta right after her, making sure to lock the door behind her. She also closed the curtains.

“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Greta asked, dropping her bag on the floor, “I mean for a motel room in Ohio.”

“It’s perfect,” Carson answered, “and it was so sweet of you to think about this, I mean… you got me McDonald's for lunch, and now this, you really paid attention to my stupid list”, she was smiling so widely it was blinding.

“It’s nothing,” Greta said. “You look really beautiful when you smile like this. It was actually a selfish move, I just wanted to enjoy this smile,” she touched Carson’s lower lip.

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