French hooker

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Carson was dragged onto the field by the eager four-year-old Leo, who insisted she should play catch with him, which she didn't mind at all. The boy took some distance and she knelt on the ground, tossing the small ball to the boy he caught it easily, his full attention on the game.

"It looks like somebody's going to be a catcher", Carson commented, smiling.

"C'mon, pitch it back to her", Greta approached the boy and he did as he was told, but the ball didn't reach Carson, although she was pretty close to him.

The boy looked disappointed, so Carson got up and walked toward him.

"Go catch", she asked Greta, and the woman moved there, curious about what would Carson do, "let me help you, Leo. Later you'll be able to lift your leg to help you pitch the ball, but for now, I'll help you swing your body to help with the speed of the ball, ok?".

The boy just nodded, smiling.

"Ok, ball", she put the little ball in his right hand, "now I'm gonna hold you here", she put his hands on the sides of the small boy, "you ready?", he nodded again, excited, "ok, I'mma bring you back to me, you can lean on my hands, I won't let you fall".

The boy let his body lean back against Carson's hands. "It's like I'm floating, but with my feet on the ground", he chuckled.

"Yes", Carson smiled, "ok, keep your feet on the ground, you'll toss the ball when I move you forward, like a slingshot, got it?", the boy nodded, "arm up, ball ready to slip".

She prompted the boy forward, without letting go of his waist so he wouldn't fall, and he let the ball slip from his fingers it went on a couple of meters and Greta caught it in the air.

"Wow", Greta cheered and watched as Carson lifted the boy to her hip, smiling at the scene.

"Look what you just did", Carson spoke to him, grinning, "that was quite a pitch!".

"Leo, come", somebody called him, "let your friend play with the adults for a bit, time for your snack".

Carson looked around ahead and identified the person who'd called the boy, a young woman, with long dark hair, and enormous dark eyes. She didn't look like Maybelle, but Carson knew right away it was her younger sister, Esti, they had the same playful way, smiling and dancing for no reason at all.

She put the boy on the floor and he ran to his aunt. Carson smiled once again, it felt strangely good to smile all the time. These people were making her smile so much, she was just thankful for it.

"Time for adults to play", Greta said and Carson turned, "come on Carson", Greta extended her hand and Carson took it.

Greta started walking ahead, bringing Carson with her, and Carson thanked God the red-haired woman wasn't looking at her, 'cause she was blushing like a teenager. That was the effect of her name on Greta's voice, it made her shiver, and she loved it and hated it at the same time, 'cause there were just too many things going through her head every time she heard it, and Greta seemed to find a way to use her name every single time they talked, about anything. Carson kept asking herself if Greta knew what she was doing to her and if she was doing it on purpose.

When they got closer to Joey, Carson finally noticed they were talking to what seemed to be the school baseball coach, their name was written on the back of their shirt, García.

"Carson, this is Lu, he's the baseball coach, and May and Esti's old friend", Carson gave him her hand and the guy shook it, smiling at her, fake flirting.

"And the most talented pitcher you'll ever meet", Lu introduced himself, and Carson thought about mentioning Max, but they didn't know each other, so it made no sense.

"That's the reason why I invited him", Joey said, "Greta wanted to see you bat, and I'm the best batter this town has ever seen, so I couldn't possibly be the one to pitch if we're having a batting contest".

"Bat contest???" Carson gasped, "I said I could bat, not that I'm a great batter", she added looking at Greta.

"It's ok, Carson, Lu will go easy on you", Greta winked and Carson hated herself for not being able to hide her emotions, her face was suddenly so warm it was embarrassing.

"I'll do no such thing, I'm a professional", Lu answered.

Joey went first. Lu was a really great pitcher, so focused and the fastball was just... unbelievable. But Joey was probably the best batter Carson had seen up close in her life. They hit the ball like a bazooka, almost hitting a home run, the ball had fallen hard just before the outfield fence.

"I say we lose by default, we got a winner", Carson said.

"I told you she couldn't bat", Greta said to Joey.

"I can bat", Carson repeated yet again.

"Why are you talking about losing by default, then?", Greta asked, "watch me, Carson", she teased and Carson asked herself once again if Greta knew what she was doing saying her name like that all the time.

Carson watched her. Lead with your hips and your hands will follow, Carson remembered her own words from so many years before, she'd said them to Shirley when she was teaching her friend how to bat. Like a french hooker, Max had added in that afternoon when they were no older than fifteen. She didn't understand the statement back then, but she understood it now.

Greta's batting was so damn sexy. The ball made a curve, falling still on the infield, and Greta cursed under her breath, making the whole situation even sexier for Carson who was watching her so intently she didn't notice Joey approaching her and giving her the bat.

"Go on, girl, your turn".


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