Chapter 2

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"He should be awake in an hour. The sedation I gave him isn't a strong one and just enough to neutralize his pheromone." Jaehyuk said as he closed the door behind him and took off his safety mask. "I've never seen him release such a heavily distressed one aside from five years ago."

Jaehyuk sighed heavily. The incident between his omega nurse and two alphas from the family he had known for almost his entire life drained him. He shouldn't have sent Junkyu to do such a trivial task as doing small gash stitches on his mourning day. He could've sent any other nurses or just interns, but knowing how fussy the two Park is, he had no choice but to send his most trusted nurse.

The two Park brothers exchanged looks, completely confused with their family doctor's statement and also worried at the same time.

"Can I see him?" The younger Park asked. Though he would still get inside the omega's room even if Jaehyuk said no. Junkyu was his mate, no one has the right to stop him from seeing his mate. Even JeongWoo couldn't stop himself.

The thirty-four years old doctor glanced at the older Park warily. He'd heard what had happened inside his exam room at the hospital. Jihoon had told him Junkyu was most likely JeongWoo's Goddess given true mate; the kind of mates people nowadays refused to seek.

In the world where the last werewolf or shifter alike was seen hundreds of centuries ago, the moon Goddess was just an urban legend and believing one true mate was the same as believing a true love kiss from a fairytale book. People had abandoned the idea of finding their chosen ones, indulging more into the lifestyle their second gender could offer. But not with the Park family.

The long line high-level alpha family believes true mates didn't just exist in fairytales. Jihoon and JeongWoo's great-grandparents found theirs, and so did their grandparents, their parents, and even Jihoon himself had found his. And JeongWoo has been searching his own for years and now his true mate is there, right behind the door Jaehyuk seemed hesitant to move away from.

Jaehyuk ran his fingers through his black locks after Jihoon gave him a nod. His eyes darted onto the teak colored floor that was covering Junkyu's apartment, pondering whether it would be a right decision to let JeongWoo get in.

Junkyu wasn't just Jaehyuk's trusted nurse. He already considered him as his younger brother and had sworn to protect the omega. He couldn't escape the guilt that was haunting him even after five years.

"I'm going to see him." JeongWoo stated firmly. Jaehyuk's hesitation had brought anxiety bubbling in his core. He wanted to see his mate and Jaehyuk seems to make everything in his head more complicated.

"Calm down. Let's hear Jaehyuk first." Jihoon reprimanded, placing his hand on JeongWoo's shoulder. The strong grip from his fingers pinned the younger alpha down in obedience.

Park Jihoon was one of a very few people who could make the lionhearted alpha kneel in fear and beg for forgiveness, aside from his father and older sister. And the few seconds grip was enough to make his anxiety worsen and a bead of thick sweat glides down his temple as his jaws clenched tight.

Jaehyuk finally set his eyes on the young alpha. "Look, we're in his safe nest without his permission—"

"Don't worry. His nest will be at my home from tomorrow." JeongWoo cut in, making the doctor roll his eyes in disbelief.

"Fine. I just have to warn you, you're not going to like what you see inside. And please, Junkyu is my favorite nurse, don't do stupid things to him. I already put my personal and professional relationship with him on the line by letting you here, at his house, without his permission." Jaehyuk said, pressing on the word permission the homeowner never granted them to enter.

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