Chapter 13

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Dazed and disoriented, that was what Junkyu felt when his body clock woke him up. Having to work on the same shift for the past year, his brain automatically gears up around six in the morning even without the blaring sound of his alarm, and the coldness and emptiness of his bed was always there to greet him.

Today, however, he felt strangely, yet unsurprisingly warm, and...crammed. His eyes fluttered open as his senses began to take in his surroundings, and his blurry vision was met with gray fabric almost touching his nose.

He blinked his sleep away and instinctively pulled his head backwards. It wasn't enough to give him space as the back of his head bumped onto something that was heaving, slightly vibrating, and radiating warmth with a steady puff of air.

"Mmhh.." A grumbling noise came from his back, hot air blew to the back of his ear, making him shiver at the gentle brush. Frowning from the strange occurrence, he looked down at his body when he felt he was being squeezed with extra weight on his torso and in between his legs...

And he blushed.

Unlike his usual routines, today, he woke up with his alpha spooning him from behind. He was practically being pinned in between the sofa backrest and a larger size human.

Junkyu managed to turn around inside JeongWoo's arms without waking up the alpha and he blinked up at him. He wasn't sure why they were sleeping on the sofa, though he could pretty much guess as he remember he fell asleep on the alpha's lap last night and the thought alone made him blush again.

Their first scenting was supposed to be a short and quick one, like a book introduction that was meant to engage new readers and to convince them that they'll find what they're looking for if they continue reading. And yet, Junkyu found himself way too immersed into the book, much like how he was too immersed staring at his sleeping alpha.

It wasn't the first time for him to see JeongWoo in a short breath distance and neither was it his first time seeing JeongWoo's sleeping face. But without his distress of finding out he has a new mate and without the embarrassment of his heat, Junkyu could finally take in everything that was his alpha. Chiseled square jaws, strong cheekbones, and perfectly defined eyebrows. Those are the obvious, and Junkyu took in more than what others could see from a quick glance.

He brought his hand up and gingerly brushed the tip of his index finger over the rim of JeongWoo's lashes. He did it slowly, carefully not to touch his eyelid, as though he was counting each strand. They were thick, rather long, and straight as needles, and Junkyu couldn't help but to compare them with his own, moving his fingertip to his own lashes just to check if they felt different. And different they were, as Junkyu's lashes were softer with thinner strands.

He moved his finger, running it along JeongWoo's nose, from the bridge to the tip, and he could feel his ridge was crooked. There was a mole right before the tip and tiny freckles crossing his nose. They were faint, so faint they were almost invincible, Junkyu won't be able to see them if his face was a few more inches further from JeongWoo's.

The dainty finger went down, tracing on the alpha's lips. They felt soft and moist against his pad even though they didn't look like it. The top part was slightly thicker than the bottom, and for a brief second, Junkyu could imagine himself nibbling on his top lip whenever they're kissing.

He blushed for the third time since he opened his eyes as he remembered the kisses they shared on the day they first saw each other and when he was in his heat and post heat.

Wait, aren't those the only encounters we had aside from yesterday? And I kissed him on both?

If Junkyu's face wasn't as red as a tomato already, it surely does after his realization.

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