Chapter 4

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Silence and loneliness is all Junkyu ever had at home, and he would spend the time thinking about Haruto. He tried getting a hobby to keep his mind preoccupied, but it never lasted long. Everything that he did brought back memories of Haruto. It was one thing nobody could ever understand. How he possibly could move on when everything reminded him of Haruto.

He sighed heavily as he sat up on the bed, looking around his dark bedroom until his eyes landed on the messy dresser full of tiny origami cranes and a glass jar almost entirely filled with the same colorful origami. They say, fold a thousand cranes origami and your wish shall come true. Junkyu didn't believe such thing, but Haruto did, and so they started doing it together with a little bit of complaint from the omega at that time.

Haruto had put his wish on a piece of folded paper placed on the bottom of the jar. He'd told Junkyu to not take it out and read them until the thousandth paper crane was made. But it never happened as Haruto had gone forever before they could meet half of the number.

Junkyu tried to continue the silly myth Haruto was so eager to do. Each day, he folded a few cranes until the memory of them doing it together began to hurt him and he would cry over it. Just like how it was for the past two days.

Jaehyuk had given him two days off from his duty, much to the omega displease as he rather get himself busy at the hospital than thinking about Haruto all day long. And oh, not to mention there was another person his mind seemed to always reach for; his new mate.

The alpha's scent was still thick in his whole apartment, especially his bedroom and his bed sheet. It was bothering Junkyu, and yet he couldn't find himself to get rid of JeongWoo's scent.

Nevertheless, of course he couldn't.

JeongWoo is his true mate, and the longing feeling for his true mate will always be there, sticking on him like glue.

Junkyu frowned at the empty spot where JeongWoo laid down three days ago. He shook his head and got up from the bed. It wasn't the time to weep over the new mate he'd chased away. He had to leave for work in thirty minutes.

The omega did his usual morning routines, adding extra time to scrape the good amount of paper cranes from his dresser and into the jar. He lifted up the jar over his head and looked at the white paper on the bottom.

"Soon. Your wish will be granted, Haru. Hold on a little bit, oh?" Junkyu said, a soft smile tugged on his lips.

He put the jar down next to Haruto's picture, shifting it at a precise spot so Haruto could see how far Junkyu had gone with the cranes. If it turns out as just a myth, Junkyu will do anything to fulfill whatever Haruto had wished from the cranes. Haruto doesn't need to know how, he just needs to know his wish came true.

Junkyu headed to the nurse locker room as soon as he hit the hospital, feeling eager to start his work and get his mind occupied by the chaos of ER. "Hey, Kyu. How are you feeling? I've heard what happened in Dr. Jaehyuk's." Mashiho said as he tried to catch up with Junkyu's long strides into the locker room.

The bigger omega rolled his eyes internally. Of course he'd heard. No one in the hospital seemed could mind their own business. "I'm fine, Mashi. Finally morning shift, eh?" He asked, trying to divert the conversation as his eyes went to two female omega nurses sitting on a bench inside the room and threw them a friendly smile.

"Yes, thank goodness I don't have to cancel my date with Dr. Yoshi tonight. It has been too long since the last time we had movie night." The omega replied gleefully, skipping on his toes as he had been waiting to spend the night with his lover, which caused Junkyu's smile to grow wider. His love life might be sucks, but it doesn't mean he can't be happy for his friend.

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