Chapter 26

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Junkyu woke up with JeongWoo reaching a muscular arm over him to turn off the beeping alarm on the nightstand by his head. Pasted as he was to the alpha's sculpted chest, JeongWoo still managed not to squish him into the bedding. Still with eyes closed, Junkyu cuddled into JeongWoo's warmth, cursing himself internally for forgetting to deactivate his usual alarm before he fell asleep last night. They're on vacation for crying out loud! There's no morning shift to chase!

"Good morning, Sweetheart." JeongWoo greeted, nuzzling his nose along Junkyu's cheek.

The omega smiled. He loved the sound of his mate's morning voice. "Good morning." Junkyu replied, snuggling his body closer into JeongWoo.

He could feel the alpha's morning wood against his hip and he almost groaned out loud as the delicious feelings of wanting to repeat yesterday's plane fiasco burned through his veins, fully waking everything up, including his little Junkyu. He quickly held himself in however, and just ran his hands over JeongWoo's cut biceps, enjoying the morning intimacy.

"What do you want us to do today, sugar?" JeongWoo asked as he threaded his fingers through Junkyu's bed hair.

"What's there to offer?"

"A lot. You can see the first one if you open your eyes." JeongWoo answered, and only then the omega pushed his heavy eyelids open.

He squinted to adjust his eyes with the unusually bright room and JeongWoo's soft smile was the first to appear before him. "You offer yourself to me everyday. It's nothing new." He deadpanned.

JeongWoo snorted at the joke. "Not me, look there." He jerked his chin towards the end of their unnecessarily enormous bed. Junkyu flipped onto his back and sat up, yawning and rubbing his sleepiness away as he did so.

The moment he could see properly, Junkyu's jaws dropped open and he brought his hand to his mouth, eyes rounded wide. "That's..." He was lost for words. He turned his head to look at JeongWoo and blinked repeatedly like a broken doll, silently asking if he was seeing things that only exist in his head.

The entire back wall of the bedroom was glass; Junkyu couldn't see anything but sugary white sand and crystal blue waters so clear he could see through it. The same view was shadowed by night when they arrived and Junkyu thought there was nothing worth to see from inside their bedroom that he went to bed right away out of tiredness from traveling.

JeongWoo smirked in triumph at Junkyu's expression. What lies outside is just a slice of beauty his island has. There are many more to see and he's going to make sure Junkyu sees each one of them.

"Go on, sugar. You can open the door." He said as he shifted onto his back and brought his arms up to use his hands as extra pillows. Junkyu didn't waste any second. He crawled to the end of the bed, hopped off, and practically bounced on his toes to the glass wall.

With much eagerness, Junkyu parted the sliding door made from the same glass material until his stretched arms could no longer touch each side and a burst of salty sweet air brushed him in the face and he took in the tropical paradise laid out in front of him. He glanced back at JeongWoo and the alpha smiled indulgently at him, urging him to go by yanking his chin.

The omega gushed as he made a beeline for the sand. He discovered the ground, quickly stepping off the wooden patio and onto the cobblestone path then went directly into the soft shifting sand. He picked his way to where the water met the land and he let the slightly cold morning water wash over his feet. He was in heaven. He didn't care he only wore an oversized t-shirt and briefs underneath without any proper pants to go outside. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes as he raised his arms on his sides and basked in the fresh breeze and the calming sound of the ocean.

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