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I read somewhere that you will always be the villain if the hero tells the story.

But what if you tell the story? How would you describe yourself? Are you the villain or the hero?...

I think how you see yourself matters. Are you the villain in your story or the hero?

Me? I am the villain. I don't think that I am a bad person, or just like the villains from the fairytales. I am the villain because I care more about the people that matter to me than they do. I would burn the world to see them smile. I am a villain because I destroy myself for them. I stop them from damage, that they don't see. Does that make me a bad person? Then so be it...I would rather sacrifice myself than see them down. I would gladly admit that I am the villain.

I don't even think that it matters that much who you are though, but rather how you act and treat others.
Villains and heroes have something in common, they do what they see is right. No matter if they are right or wrong in their judgment.

Do you think that villains are bad...or that heroes are overrated?

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