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Today, I engaged in a new and reckless activity that I am unsure how to even begin describing. I have recently made two acquaintances who have a tendency to make every bad idea sound like a good one. They would truly jump with me off a building if I ask them to. This is so scary to me... 

While I enjoy their company, I feel uneasy.

Although I have found two individuals to hold my hands, I am hesitant to trust them with my heart.

 While I have encountered two sets of lips to shower me with kisses, they seem so distant.

 Though I have two pairs of arms to embrace me, their touch feels cold.

 Furthermore, I have two sets of ears to hear me, but it seems that neither truly listens to me.

I have come to realize that my inability to be completely open with my friends may be preventing me from forming a deeper connection with them. I am uncertain whether my reluctance to open up is due to my lack of desire to connect with them on a more intimate level or simply my discomfort with being alone.

Perhaps I am afraid to let my guard down because I fear that they will not accept me for who I truly am, with all my imperfections and vulnerabilities...

Should I let them in?...

I'm scared of letting people in

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