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I am utterly spellbinding as an actress...

Every emotion I express is carefully crafted to uplift those around me. I pour my heart into every performance, saying and doing what I believe will bring joy to others. I find myself going to great lengths to ensure the happiness of those in my presence, often at the expense of my own desires. I've become somewhat of a people pleaser, losing sight of my true self in the process.
At first, acting was just a way for me to help people around me, make them happy and help them see that life is worth it, then it helped me avoid bullying, then I was just doing it without sensing.

Yet, my portrayal is so convincing that I've lost touch with my own identity and preferences. I question whether my love for reading is genuine, or merely a refuge from the constant act I put on. There are so many uncertainties swirling within me...

My performance has become so seamless that distinguishing reality from fiction has become a daunting task.

....even if I am astounding at acting, if you look close enough you can tell that my happiness is just a mask.

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