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I've been absent from writing for a while now, My thoughts entangled, breath cut short, somehow,

I strive to surface, to escape despair,
Yet I find myself drowning in the air.

I reconnected with my friends once more,

Yet, my feelings were truncated to the core,

Our bond, once ablaze, now seems to wane,

But I mustn't sever it, I can't refrain.

I chopped my lengthy locks, thinking it'd free my mind,

Lighten day and night, in hopes of unwinding,

Yet my assumption proved to be amiss, Shortening my hair didn't grant me bliss.

I started abbreviating aspects of my life,

Meals, sleep, thoughts, even friendships, in this strife,

It's all a chaotic mess, this much is clear,

I ponder, should I just keep it all, short, my dear?

Though I've begun to see things in a different light,

Old scars linger, refusing to fade from sight,

Yet, we must trim those memories, succinct,
To find solace and to heal,

we must be succinct.

I might have cut things short,

that's true, no lie,

But this doesn't change the essence, don't be shy, Extend friendships, savour meals, dream up high,

in lengthening these,

happiness will touch the sky.

If you're tempted to shorten everything,
like I once did,
Remember, don't truncate yourself amid,
Take a step forward, don't cut yourself short,
For in lengthening your journey, you'll find support

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