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How naive we, humans, are to believe that even a sliver of sunlight could truly bring us happiness. It's almost comical, isn't it? We grasp onto hope as if it were a lifeline, desperately clinging to it until it pierces our very souls, leaving us bleeding and broken.

I long for the days when we weren’t fragile, or easily swayed. Because now, as I look around me, all I see are people putting on masks, pretending to live, pretending to be happy. The sun is shining brightly today, and everyone is outside, basking in its warmth. It's like the sun promised to make our wishes come true....it's like our hope that life will get better...

But deep down, we know that the real source of our hope is just a tiny spark, easily extinguished.

Hope, my dear, is the cruellest of emotions, don't you think so too?

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