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On my way home, I usually walk past a certain building. Lately, there was a bus stop built there. Every time I pass that bus stop, there are plenty of people sitting there, waiting.
I got curious, and I managed to walk past there at different times just to see those people catch the bus.

But guess what... there was no bus coming. Yet, there were always people there, waiting for it.

Today, this image of them waiting got me thinking... We spend most of our time waiting for a bus, a class, the time to get off work, for certain appointments, and so on. We stop our pace and wait...
But after we stop, it's getting harder to start again. It takes us more energy...

We stop and wait for the best opportunity, the best person to love, the best things. It's not always a bad thing to stop, but it matters what we do in that waiting time. Otherwise, all that stopping and waiting is just a waste of your precious time.

I think that we shouldn't just stop and wait. We should do baby-steps, keep going and meet that person, reach that goal, and get the best opportunities. We should keep going, always.
If it's too hard to run, then walk. If it's too hard to walk, then slow down your pace... or crawl, but don't stop. Save your time.

No matter what, we shouldn't just wait around for stuff that might never come if we just stop.

After the long wait, those people who sit at that bus stop realise that stopping was a bad idea and move on...

We should move on, too.

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