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In a boundless journey, I distanced myself from all that was familiar and almost everyone who knew me. Amidst the pulse of life, I made a profound realization—my growth, not in physical terms but mentally and emotionally.

Let me not persuade you to embark on a similar voyage, for mine was merely a vacation. Instead, I implore you to pause and reflect on your own journey from the beginning of this year, observing with new eyes how much you've evolved.

Growth, as I discovered, is a paradox. It can be painful, yet it carries a profound beauty within its essence. My journey with an avocado tree stands as a vivid statement. Despite my initial scepticism, I nurtured it with care and perseverance. To my astonishment, a small but thriving avocado tree emerged as a symbol of my resilience.

Much like this little tree, we, too, are nurtured by the hands of God and the people who surround us. They continuously water and nurture our souls, facilitating our growth and development. And in this process, they teach us valuable lessons about life, love, and the art of becoming.

Growth demands stepping into unfamiliar and uncomfortable realms, breaking free from the confines of the soil we were planted in.
We mustn't be deterred by the unknown, for it is through this exploration that we reach new heights. And when we embrace the courage to push beyond the boundaries set by ourselves and others, we soar beyond the very skies and the moon.

So,  let us commit to a path of continuous growth—a journey defined by curiosity and courage. Embrace the pain and uncertainty, knowing that it fuels the beauty of your metamorphosis. As you nurture the seed of your dreams and aspirations, let them sprout, grow, and bear the fruit of your existence. In this dance of life, remember to never cease your growth, for it is an infinite process.

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