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In recent moments spent with my dear friends, a realization struck me—talking can be overrated. You might wonder why.

Yes, communication is vital for connections and healing, but it also carries a sting. I often yearn for people to taste their words – the bitterness or sweetness within.

We engage in conversations all day, from profound discussions to gossipy banter, yet we fail to grasp the weight our words bear. Sometimes, the endless chatter feels empty, lacking purpose.

I've made the heartfelt decision to speak less, not because I lack words, but because I question if anyone is truly ready to listen.

Words cut deep, like a sharp blade, yet we toss them around recklessly. What is wrong with us?

What if we spoke less and allowed our thoughts to simmer? What if our words were drenched in kindness, making a genuine impact?

How about embracing that emotional connection?

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