Chapter 2

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"I'm starving, can we stop and grab something to eat?" Cal says from the passenger seat of our shared car.

"You just ate at Ewan house, and that was after having a full breakfast at home." I say, surprised that he can even think of putting more food in his stomach. Mum had cooked us breakfast this morning before we headed to our older brother, Ewan's. He was our half-brother on our dad's side and eight years older than us. Dad hadn't been in his life as he grew up and Cal and I didn't even know he existed until he turned up seven years ago. While Dad and Ewan still had a difficult relationship, Ewan had become an excellent older brother. When we were younger, he would take us out for the day and now we could drive we would often end up over Ewan's house.

Ewan had met a girl, Ava, and settled down since we first met him, he was only eighteen at the time. Now twenty-five him and his now fiancé had a two-year-old son, Hadley. Giving Cal and I even more reason to visit Ewan.

Ava's parents were going over in the afternoon so Cal and I left before they arrived but not before having something to eat. That's why I'm surprised my twin is still thinking about food. He ate twice as much as me and it's been less than an hour.

"Come on Li, I'm a growing boy. I need food." He whines, and knowing him like I do he won't stop until I give in.

"Fine. Let's go to Danny's."

He chuckles to himself, and I swear I hear him say 'shocker'.

"Something amusing? I could just drive us home." I threaten.

"No. No, no. Let's go to Danny's."

Ten minutes later were walking into Danny's Café, that I've come to know like the back of my hand this past summer. After placing our usual order at the till, we walk to our usual table. We always order the same burger and chips combo only mixing it up with our drinks. My already hyped-up brother orders his drink with a coffee shot while I have a similar drink without. Only took a sip of his drink once and I was gagging, coffee is not for me. I'm a hot chocolate girl and come winter I will be here nearly every week getting my chocolate fix. This is by far the best café for hot chocolate.

Trying to look around Danny's becomes difficult when a family walks past, essentially blocking my view of the rest of the room. When they've passed, I catch my first glimpse of her. Golden brown hair that when down has a slight curl to it but spends the majority of the time pulled back in a rough ponytail. Her heart shape face has such tiny, delicate features. Even in her cafe uniform she makes my heart simultaneously race and calm. Mikayla. When she catches me looking, I try to smile but I'm not sure it came across right.

I want to look friendly and approachable to her. But fear I just look like a creepy weirdo.

"You're such a predictable dork." Cal says, pulling my attention back to him.


"So, your girlfriends working then." He says with a smirk. Sitting back quite relaxed.

"She's not my girlfriend." I whisper hiss to him as the waitress brings our drinks over.

He calmly takes a sip out of his, keeping that annoying smile in place and staring at me. Why did I have to get stuck with him as a twin brother? I should have consumed him in the womb. "Li, Li, Li, Li, Li." He say's around a sigh, the smile still not leaving his face. "You've been dragging me to this cafe all summer. I can tell the difference by your reaction when your girl is working and when she's not. You're going to have to grow some balls and man up at some point, or you'll never get a date."

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