Chapter 13

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For the last week the whispers from that first day have become shouts. I can't walk down a hallway without a student calling me something. Whether they're saying the words to my face or to their friends, they all have the same thing in common. They all think Elsie is my child.

I've been invisible in school since my parents died now suddenly everyone knows who I am. These people that looked straight through me at the start of the school year now think they know all my deep dark secrets. They think they have me pegged.

Sixth formers and GCSE students are the worst. The open hostility from them is constant. Occasional taunts come from the younger years but they see it as a game. They are kids playing at being adults. Watching the older students and trying to emulate.

Still doesn't feel nice when a bunch of knee-high eleven-year-olds start laughing at you. Yet still more manageable than the older students.

The girls scorn me and the more confident ones warn me to stay away from their boyfriends. You're more than welcome to keep your boyfriends, whoever they are. I am not interested in anything they have to offer.

The guys ridicule me in groups, saying they wouldn't be seen near me, then try to catch me in private. Suddenly they all think I'm an easy lay and will be up for any of the kink stuff their warped brains can think of.

People ask me who the dad is, causing rumours to go around about possible candidates. Does he go to our school? If so who. Does he go to another school? I've even heard that it was an older man that preyed on me.


And during all this I have no voice.

The girls threaten me, not letting me have a chance to speak. The boys laugh and intimidate me. Nobody lets me speak the truth. Let's me say the three words that will make all their pointless taunts and threats end.


Then Cal Jenkins came along.

I was walking down the hallway between classes, making sure to stick to the busier ones so nobody could try and get me on my own. Suddenly, I felt a brick wall move into my path, knocking me to the ground. A shadow moved over me and I heard the oomph of two bodies collide. "You're a real hard man, knocking a girl to the floor." Cal sneers before crouching down next to me and helping collect my books.

He helps me up, offering a gentle smile. "You okay? Dickhead didn't hurt you, did he?" he says, pointedly throwing the slur at the laughing male.

"I'm fine." I say just wanting to get away from there. My side does ache slightly but I'm not letting them know that.

"What way you heading?"

"Science." I answer tentatively, why does he want to know?

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