Chapter 7

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After being up twice during the night with Elsie I was sitting on the sofa in a half sleep state. Elsie was once again asleep upstairs but I didn't feel like going back to bed. So here I lay on the sofa, eyes closed but unable to sleep.

That's where I was when I heard a key jingle in the front door.


I jump to my feet, rushing to the door. "Amelia. There you ... " I say, my hope rising. She came back.

Only it's not Amelia walking through the door.

"Oh, Mic, there you are." Nancy says, pulling me into tight hug.

"Nancy?" I say confused and comforted all in the same moment. Nancy is like an aunt to me. Best friends with my mum long before she even met my dad. She's been there from day one, one of the first people to hold me after my parents. Been there for every birthday and importantly was there for us after my parents died.

"Are you okay? I've been calling you all night. I finally just got in the car this morning and drove here. Your message didn't say what was wrong."

My mouth pops open as I remember the phone call I made. She's been calling me. "My phone battery must have died." I say aloud. Trying to remember where I put my phone. I took it with me to the pharmacy. Did I take it out of my bag when we got home? I can't remember.

"Don't worry about that. Are you okay?" Nancy says frantically. She hasn't realised her hold of me. I'm frozen in place while this hurricane hovers over me.

Umm. How do I explain?

Just then Elsie starts crying, giving me an opportunity to gather my thoughts.

Now it's Nancy who freezes as I back up slowly. With a tight smile I turn and rush up the stairs to Elsie.

"It's okay baby girl." I say, picking her up and holding her close. Pacing and bouncing her as I go. "It's okay, I've got you. You're okay." As I finish the third lap she starts to settle. Little tears stop flowing down her chubby cheeks. Her tiny lips smack as she snuggles her head into me. Such a cwtcher.

When I turn back to the door, I find a shocked Nancy staring at the bundle in my arms. "Is that a baby?"

I gulp. Time's up. "Nancy, this is Elsie."

Nancy had been making her way over to me until I said Elsie's name. Being my mum's oldest friend means she picks up on the meaning behind the name. She stops the trek and turns her eyes on me. A million questions flashing through her gaze.

"Is she yours?" she chokes out.

"Amelia's." I say quickly. No point giving the woman a heart attack.

The relief is evident on her features. "Thank God. Not that I don't think you can handle it but you're still a teenager. Can I hold her?" Gently I pass her over to Nancy's waiting arms. Missing her baby scent straight away. "Oh, you are just adorable." Nancy coos, running her one finger over Elsie's cheek. "She's got Amelia's little pucker lips."

I smile, watching Nancy fall in love with Elsie just like I did two days ago.

"Oh, while I remember I found this on the floor by the front door. It has your name on it." Nancy says, barely taking her eyes off Elsie as she passes me the note.

I haven't seen it before but Nancy is right, my name is on the outside. There is no address so this was hand delivered. The handwriting seems familiar.

Kay kay,

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