Chapter 18

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What just happened? That guy randomly got in my face, said some vile things that was becoming regular lately, then Lila had him pinned against the wall. I've never seen her react like that. She's always had this air of confidence about her, a laid-back attitude that nothing bothers her. Even when she first come out and some people would say stuff to her, she just took it on the chin. Now though I'm watching her punch a guy in the face.

Is it wrong that I think she looks hot?

I feel like this badass version of her should scare me but it doesn't. The first thing I want to do is make sure she is alright, check her hand for injuries. Please say she didn't break it on account of me. I want to pull her into a hug and thank her but she seems scared to look at me. Plus, I'm too scared to actually make a move on her and make an idiot of myself.

"Stick with her for the rest of the day." She says to Cal and my heart flutters.

During the next class I'm called to the Head teacher's office. When I get there, I find Cal has also been called in.

"Hey, they just want to know what happened earlier. You don't have to worry." Cal says, sweetly placing a hand on my shoulder.

I nod nervously as the Head teacher comes to the door to retrieve me. Before this school year I had been to the Head teacher's office a total of one time and that was not a day I wanted to relive. That day my whole world imploded. This visit makes it my second time this year alone. We've only been in school for two months.

Cal watches me walk into the office before Mrs Ellis closes the door.

"Don't look so worried Miss Hayes, you're not in any trouble. All I want to do is confirm a few things about today's incident with you, and check that you are okay." She says smiling kindly. I nod in understanding but pray she doesn't ask too many questions about what is happening. If she asks to speak to Amelia, I'm in trouble. "Now can you tell me what transpired earlier in your own words."

Tentatively I explain what happened. She nods along and makes a few notes on the pad in front of her. When I stop talking, she looks up and smiles. "Thank you, that all matches up with everyone else. I apologise for Mr Penn's actions today; they are not tolerated at this school and he is being punished."

"What's going to happen to Lila?"

"While I understand Miss Jenkins was acting in your defence she will also be punished for her actions. I'm afraid we have a zero-tolerance policy to fighting." She says but there is a look that tells me she supports Lila's actions even if she can't say it out loud. "How are you, Miss Hayes? I understand if today was traumatic, have you had trouble with Mr Penn before?"

"No, I've never met him before."

"Has anyone else been harassing you lately? I know there was a lot of chatter about your niece."

"Just the same as the last time we talked. They still think Elsie is my child not my niece. Cal and Lila have been nice to me the last few weeks, but I don't talk to anyone else in school."

"Well, I'm glad you've made friends with the Jenkins twins, they've both shown today that they care about you. Although I can't condone Miss Jenkins methods." She says with a wry smile. "I know having a baby at home is stressful for the whole family so it's good to have friends you can spend time with. How is your niece?"

"She's starting to get cheeky. She's rolling over on her own now and holding her head up. Changing her nappy has become a challenge, because she won't stop kicking me."

"I miss the baby stage. They grow up so quickly, before you know it she'll be one, walking and talking. Make the most of these quiet days."

"I can't imagine her walking, she's so tiny."

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