Chapter 23

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In the car after the meal and I just don't want this night to end. "Do you have to be home by a certain time?" I ask, risking a side glance at Mic. We were silent in the car but it felt comfortable. She really did look beautiful tonight. When she opened the door earlier my heart literally stopped. I always thought she was beautiful but bloody hell she was stunning tonight. This stunning girl was out with me. She'd had a crush on me all this time too.

Like seriously. She had a crush on me.

My knees nearly went on me when she said that.

"No, I don't have a curfew. Just got to think that the two of us have school tomorrow."

"Ah, yes, back to school for me." I chuckle.

"Sorry you got suspended." Mic says, I turn and see her frowning.

"Mic, you need to stop apologizing. It wasn't your fault."

"Sorry." She smiles, a cheeky tilt of her lips. My heart stutters. She's going to be the death of me.

"I've really enjoyed tonight." I say, once I've regained composure.

"Me too."

"Do you want me to drop you home? or we could drive around a bit. It's not quite nine yet?"

"I'm happy to stay out. The shop I used to work in is only around the corner. They have a car park next to it. It's never busy so we could sit there for a bit."

"That sounds great." I say with a smile. Directing us towards the car park.

As I pull up I start to get a little nervous again. The carpark doesn't have lighting so it's darker here, adding to my nerves. I know we've kissed a couple of times but sitting in the dark it seems like something more should be expected. I'm so not ready for more than kissing, and I don't want to push her into more.

With the engine off the sudden silence adds to the nervousness. We share a quick look before both looking away.

I don't know why but this causes me to start chuckling. After a moment Mic starts laughing with me.

It's crazy but it helps me relax.

"Can I ask you something?" Mic asks, as we settle back in our seats, turned to face each other. "You don't have to answer if you don't want." Mic says nervously.

"What do you want to know?" I ask intrigued.

"The red streak of hair." She says quietly, looking up at the streak in question.

"Ah, I'll admit my reasoning probably seems quite childish."

"It won't offend me if you don't want to answer." Mic rushes out.

"No, it's okay. It was my hint of rebellion but now it just seems a bit silly." At Mic's inquisitive look I continue. "So, when Cal and I were thirteen, our parents decided to do our bedrooms up. We were teenagers now, so we needed teenager bedrooms. Sounds nice enough but my parents are, I don't really have a word to describe them, I'll just say we're not super close. Cal and I have kinda stuck by each other more as a result. I think, ah, this is more difficult to explain because of the day I had with my mum yesterday."

"It's okay, take your time." She says, sweetly taking my hand.

Smoothing a thumb over her gentle hand gives me a moment to sort my thoughts.

"So, I've always thought that my mum wanted the typical boy and a girl. My dad, well he's more of a body in the house. He's always been good to us but he's also not the most hands on. My mum on the other hand has done all the heavy lifting in the raising us category. Having a boy and a girl at once should have been the jackpot. They had their little prince in Cal, only I didn't get the memo that I was supposed to be a princess."

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