Chapter 28

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We have tea once Lila leaves. Delayed a little by us making out by the door. We are so close to taking that next step I can feel it. The need and want are all there when we kiss. It's just finding a moment to ourselves.

Urgh, you've got to stop thinking along this line or you'll need to excuse yourself to the bathroom.

Only problem is, distracting my brain from thinking of Lila undressed brings me back to earlier. To the shell of my sister and the harsh truth that I don't know her anymore.

With tea finished and Elsie cosily tucked up in bed, Nancy and I retreat downstairs.

"You've been acting off since I came home earlier." Nancy says, motioning for me to take a seat on the sofa. Once I sit down, she continues. "Did I interrupt something between you and Lila?"

The thought of where that moment with Lila earlier could have led has me blushing.

"Sorry, I know it's not easy as a teen, trying to find intimate time with your partner. I don't think I had sex in a bedroom until I went away for university. The one boyfriend I had before that we usually did it in his car or one-time in a field."

My eyes widen in shock at how this has turned.

"We haven't ... yet." I can just about manage to get out.

"If you ever want to talk about that type of stuff you only have to ask. I can even take Elsie out for the night if the two of you ..."

"And have you know that was happening. No thank you." I say quickly. Can my face heat up anymore than it already have?

Nancy giggles at my reaction.

This is so not how I thought tonight was going to go. Through dinner I decided I needed to tell Nancy about Amelia just in case it affects us with Elsie. Then she threw this curve ball at me. Yes, I have been horny for my girlfriend lately but I didn't need to be talking about it with Nancy. Or to know about her back seat activities.

Nancy was married once, to Owen, he was an army brat that followed in his father's footsteps. Only unlike his father he never made it home from tour. I never met him but mum used to say him and Nancy were soul mates. She put all her focus on her business after his death, building it into the powerhouse it is now. As much as I hate to rely on Nancy for money, she is definitely not hurting for it.

It's just the love side of her life. I've never seen her with someone.

"Don't rush anything, when the time is right for you both, it won't matter where you are, it'll be perfect."

"She did say she loves me for the first time today." I admit, putting off the inevitable.

Nancy actually squeals, forcing me to shush her so she doesn't wake Elsie.

"Please, Elsie-bear would sleep through a hurricane. This is major, did you say it back?"

I nod, getting more squeals.

"Why have you been so glum tonight then? You should be floating."

"Because before that. What lead to that." I take a deep breath. "Nancy, Amelia was here earlier."

The joy on her face freezes before morphing into a frown. "What?"

"She was at the front door when we came home. We changed the locks so she couldn't let herself in."

"What did she want?"

"She never really said. She made a quip about visiting her little sister."

"She shouldn't be visiting she should have been here the whole time." Nancy says with barely controlled anger. "What about Elsie? What did she say about her?"

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