Chapter 5

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"So, what is this news that graces me with your presence?" Ewan says, leading the two of us into the living room. "I mean I only saw you both yesterday."

It comes across as a grump but the we both know we're welcome around anytime of the day. An open invitation from both Ewan and Ava. My future sister-in-law knew how much it meant for Ewan to meet us. He wanted to be there for us like dad wasn't there for him. We were only ten when he first showed up. As we all got comfortable, he would take us out on day trips. As kids he was this cool older brother that treated us to memorable days out. We both looked up to him and found it easier to talk to him than our parents. He just made it a safe space, not a judgemental one.

After Cal, he was the first one I told I like girls. He said he had a feeling I did but was proud of me for saying it out loud. I still cringe remembering how I broke down crying, scared that mum and dad would kick me out. With a brother on each side of me and a heavily pregnant Ava holding my hand they calmed me down. Letting me know I always had a place at their house. Cal had already vowed that he will be right beside me no matter what the outcome.

While I didn't get kicked out it wasn't the most welcoming coming out. Where Cal and Ewan were nothing but support it was clear my parents didn't want to deal with it being reality. To them I am simply a young kid who doesn't know what I want.

That is where they are wrong though. I may be young but I know my mind. It's not like I woke up one day gay. This is the culmination of a lot of internal debates, self-reflection, and a lot of denial. Accepting myself was the first step, the moment I first started to call myself a lesbian in my head. Too afraid to say it before in case someone could tell what I was thinking.

The pronoun game is the next game to learn as you start to realise. Have you got a boyfriend? No, I'm not seeing ANYONE.

Of course, when I started to think of dating there was only one girl, I found an interest in. Cal tried to talk about girls he was interested in with me, trying to encourage me to open up to him. Objectively I would respond but never could give him the response he was after.

"Where is Ava and Hadley?" I ask. Not seeing them. The television was on but the volume turned low. Hadley's building blocks were spread out in his play-pen. Evident that he'd had a morning building. Cal and I had got him those blocks for his second birthday, once he opened them everything else was forgotten.

Had never really been around a baby before Hadley was born. Didn't know how to be an aunt but he was just the most adorable little bundle. Cal and I started an unofficial contest to get Hadley to say our name first. Li and Cal were said on repeat every time we visited. Cal accepted a barely made 'C' sound, as him saying his name. No amount of arguing would dissuade him otherwise.

"Hadley is having a nap and Ava is catching up with some work e-mails upstairs. They shouldn't be much longer. Now tell me this news."

"We both got an e-mail yesterday." Cal says excitedly. Looking to me to check if he could continue. With a nod from me he continues. "We both have interviews for the Jace cinema."

Ewan beams. "That's great, congrats guys."

"Yeah, I hope we get it. Free tickets, and once we pass probation, we get to bring guests for free. Discount on the food and drinks as well. Sounds like cheap date nights to me."

Everything up until that last part I agreed with. I close my eyes and drop my head. Bloody hell bro. Ewan smothers a chuckle with a cough. Trying to suppress his grin.

"I didn't know you had applied there." Ewan says, moving the topic on.

"We've applied everywhere, this is just the first interview we've received." I reply.

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