Chapter 8

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"Hey bro. What do you think? Don't we look dapper?" Cal says, holding the phone at arm's length so it can get the both of us in. I laugh at Cal's enthusiasm, before joining him in some of the funny poses. Poor Ewan was confused at first but quickly started to play along.

"Whoa. Look at you two all smart. Ava, come see the twins all dressed up."

Moments later Ava is in frame, complementing us on our outfits.

"Wouldn't you hire us?" Cal asks.

"How'd it go today?" Ewan asks instead of answering Cal

"Good, it was quite a big group but they said they'd be hiring at least four maybe more. Started with introductions before playing a few team building games. Then we had the one-on-one interviews. Your advice was really helpful Ava." I add.

"Yeah, thanks for your help." Cal says, seriously.

"It was no bother. Just hope you both get the jobs now." She says sweetly. She's so lovely, it's no wonder Ewan looks at her with such adjuration. "I've got to go check on the food but I'll see you both soon."

"Bye Ava." We say in sync. Raising a smile out of us all.

Ewan had asked us to call him after the interviews but I don't think he expected it this quickly. We were still in sight of the cinema when Cal decided it was time to call Ewan. To be fair he did wait for me to get out of my interview. That must have killed him waiting those five minutes. We met by the front doors, barely stepping out of them before Cal was pulling his phone out. He's such a big kid.

"I'm glad it went well. What are you guys up to now then?"

"We've got plans to meet our friends, this afternoon. A last summer get together before school starts on Wednesday."

"I thought we went back Tuesday?" Cal asks.

"You can if you want but nobody else will be there."

"Aw, Li, you missed an opportunity then. You should have let him think it was Tuesday. Have him wake up early."

"Then have him come jump on my bed to wake me up. No thanks." I laugh.

"Like you wouldn't and haven't done the same." Cal says, giving me a knowing look. I take a moment thinking over my defence but decide to just shrug instead. "Exactly." He pauses for a moment, bouncing in place a little. "Do you think they will mind if I pop back in to use the loo?"

"The coffee shop is open using the toilets so I don't think so."

"Damn it, here, take my phone. See you soon Ewan." Cal calls rushing back into the cinema.

Ewan waits until Cal is a distance away before turning big brother on me. "Did you ask about that girl?"

I sigh, knowing Ewan would ask. It wasn't easy to enquire about Mikayla in a way that hopefully wouldn't get back to her. Plus, in a moment that Cal wasn't in ear shot.

"She only works there seasonally apparently. So, summer and winter holidays. She's already finished her summer contract." I say, trying not so show the disappointment I felt when the manager told me.

Part of me had been day dreaming about getting the job and having her teach me the role. A natural way to start a conversation with her. Gauge whether I'm barking up the wrong tree or not. We could be joking around and I ask her to spend time together outside of work. Or we could be cleaning a screen together, we both reach for the same box of popcorn in the low light. There would be a look between us where we both know what is about to happen. We lean in and kiss.

Baby be MineOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant