Chapter 17

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"I bet you like it rough, you whore." A random guy says to Mic, getting right in her face and making a motion to her chest. Cal puts a comforting arm around her and tries to steer her away, telling her to ignore him. "I wouldn't get too close if I were you Cal, you don't know what STD you'll catch."

One minute I was down the hall, watching this pig, the next I have him pinned against the wall. Fear and shock cloud his eyes, until a cocky smile forms when he realises who holds him. My fist puts a stop to that.

"Aww, you bitch." He screams, still not learning his lesson. Knee, meet ball sack. That stops him from talking for a moment.

"Miss Jenkins, Mr Penn, Head teacher's office, now." Mr Brooks says, above the watching crowd.

I step away from the pig, breathing heavy. Clarity is starting to come back to me and with that the realisation that Mic might have seen that. What must she think of me? I'm too afraid to see her reaction so I look to Cal instead. Brother is safer.

He smiles proudly at me. "Stick with her for the rest of the day." I instruct him. With a nod he mouths 'good luck'.

We're sat on either side of the office. He holds an icepack to his eye while I rest one over my knuckles. Now the adrenaline has slowed it's starting to smart a bit. At least I don't think I've broken anything. We're just waiting for our parents to arrive before being taken into the Head teacher's office.

"Why am I here? I'm the victim." Is he still talking?

"Look at it like this. A quiet, laid-back student suddenly attacks another student. To me it seems like something or someone provoked that student." Mr Brook says, leaning against the secretary's desk.

"Or maybe the quiet student is crazy." Pig says back.

"He made a move to grope Mic's chest before saying, 'I bet you like it rough, you whore.' Then when my brother tried to get Mic away from him, he told Cal not to get too close because he'd catch an STD." I say, staring straight at the pig, daring him to contradict me.

Mr Brook's visibly takes a breath, "So, verbal and sexual harassment of another student, I think that's reason enough for suspension."

"What?" Pig splutters.

"I'm going to get the report forms for you both to fill in, try not to kill each other."

We both watch him leave the room, I hope for a moment of silence but that's not going to happen.

"Why you defending that slut? Hoping to get a bit of action from her as well?"

I grind my teeth together but decide to ignore the latter part of his question. "Define slut."


"So, to you, a slut is a virgin, who looks after her niece, because her sister is a deadbeat. Not exactly how I would describe the word." I keep a neutral face but inside I'm beaming with pride. Take that you pig.

"What are you talking about?"

"The baby is Mic's niece." I say slowly and clearly.

"Bull shit."

"Language, Mr Penn." Mr Brooks scolds, as he walks back in the room, papers in hand.

"Sir, have you heard the rubbish she's saying though? everyone knows the baby is Mic's."

"No, the baby is her niece." Mr Brook says, backing me up. "Mic's older sister is her guardian so it's my understanding Mic helps with childcare."

Not completely true, at least that's not the story she told me the other day. If that's what she's told them though I won't tell them different.

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