Chapter 19

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"How much trouble is Lila in?"

"It's strange really but not much. Mum was angry at first but her and Li talked and made plans to go shopping tomorrow. Not really sure what happened and neither is Li really." He shrugs. "Although for Lila that would normally be torture but she seems to be looking forward to it."

Not what I was expecting. Something more along the lines of Lila never being allowed out of the house again and the two of them banned from talking to me. It was a little shocking when Cal still picked me up this morning.

"Does your family hate me now?"

"Why would they hate you? Mum actually said if we wanted to invite you around, we could."

He really doesn't understand why his family would have reason to hate me. This is why I like Cal; he is just genuinely nice and doesn't process that not everyone is like that. For him, I needed protecting, so Lila protected me, end of story.

It doesn't cross his mind that other people wouldn't have intervened. That his parents have reason to hate me because their children are being put into those situations. I imagine their parents want their children to be good, decent humans but they still will have a limit. If they had to choose their children's welfare over mine, they will obviously choose their children. They don't know me or my situation, why would they want their children mixed up in a bad situation?

I know I would want to protect Elsie at all costs.

Yet he's saying they don't blame me. or at least his parents don't.

What about Lila?

From what he's saying she only has the school punishment to deal with but that is bad enough. I've never been suspended and the only type of detention I've had are class ones. The type where the teacher can't pin-point the actual culprit so calls the whole class back in for lunch. Only for the actual culprit to not turn up.

Lila is a good student. As far as I know this is the first time she is in trouble. This wouldn't have happened if Cal didn't make friends with me. And by proxy, Lila.

That is if she classes me a friend. I hope so after the day we had in the park, but we haven't really talked since then.

"So, do you want to then?"

"Sorry, what?"

He chuckles, "You zoned out on me. I asked if you wanted to come around mine tomorrow. We can watch a movie, have some snacks. Li is out with mum during the morning, then working in the night. So, she might be there for a bit. You can tell her yourself then that you are not traumatised over yesterday. She hasn't stopped asking. I've even had messages from her since we've been in school, checking on you."

Oh my god, she's concerned about me, she's not upset with me. She was protecting me. My heart is racing and I feel light as air. Cal doesn't realise the gift he's just given me.


Is that what this is?

"I might just call her and get you to talk to her. That might make her stop." He muses.

No, I can't talk to her on the phone. How will I get the words out? "No, don't call her. I'll come over tomorrow." Wait, did I just agree to go over their house? Oh shit what have I done.

* * *

Something was different. I don't know why I felt like that but it felt like something was going to change today. Cal had invited me over to his house and we were watching a movie. Sitting in his living room with a few snacks. Still there was a feeling in the air making me feel like the other shoe was about to drop.

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