Chapter 24

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I leave the house on Monday morning with a little trepidation. Life should have been on a high. Elsie had been an angel this morning. Lila was my girlfriend now, we'd had an amazing date and I really, really liked kissing her. What was causing me worry was the fact I hadn't seen Cal since Saturday. With everything that had happened with Lila he had been put out of my mind.

Now walking out to the car where I will find both Jenkins siblings my heart is racing.

When I see the car, I freeze. Cal is waiting outside, leaning against the front door. He pushes off the car when he sees me. Hands stuffed into his trouser pockets. Slowly I make my way down the steps.



"Look I'm really sorry for Saturday. I've really enjoyed getting to know you the past few weeks and hope we can still be friends. I know I'm an idiot," he looks back into the car where Lila is sitting, pretending she's not looking. "Someone has made sure to remind me repeatedly." That makes me smile.

"I'd like to stay friends to."

"Good, great, thanks." He says getting me to laugh.

We stand there for a minute until another voice joins us. "Great, now that's sorted we can go to school." Lila says through the open window.

Cal rolls his eyes good-naturedly at his sister's comment. "Her? Really? There are a lot of girls in the world."

I shrug at his playful ribbing as a 'Hey' comes from the car.

"I just want to say I'm happy for you two but can we keep the PDA to a minimum. Please." He begs.

A blush blooms on my cheeks as Lila yells "No promises."

Cal laughs when he sees my face redden. "I think we've embarrassed your girl Li."

Taking a note out of Lila's book I slap Cal before climbing in the backseat. He's still chuckling when he takes his seat. Once he's pulled off from the curb Lila swivels in her seat to smile at me. Such a simple action but it still makes my heart race and a blush retake my face.

Fifteen minutes later I get out of the car, after an eventful ride with Cal providing the sound track and Lila pulling faces. Slinging my bag around to my back, one of the straps doesn't want to cooperate.

"Here, let me help you." Lila says, moving to stand in front of me behind the parked car. She untwists the strap and smooths it over my shoulder. My eyes torn between watching her hand and looking at her face this close. Her beautiful, beautiful face. Those brown eyes that remind me of the coffee beans we use in Danny's. The glint in them replaced with a look that has my heart racing. "There you go." She says, keeping her hand on my shoulder.

Then she looks up, locking her gaze with mine. "Hey." She smiles, before moving into kiss me. Something I welcome with zero resistance.

"Sometime today ladies." Cal says, from his position leaning against the car, facing away from us. He inspects his finger nails briefly before looking over his shoulder at us. A pointed look on his face.

"We're ready." Lila answers.

We started to walk when Cal slips in "Are you going to lock the car Li?"

Her eyes widen slightly before she quickly shuffles back to the car doors. "Wait, you drove." She says, pausing her hands hovering over her hoodie pocket.

"Ah, so you're not completely lost then." Cal chuckles.

Lila flips him off before sliding up next to me, taking my hand in hers. I chuckle at her reaction, earning a wink off my girlfriend.

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