Chapter 27

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Lila and Elsie rushed ahead of me as we neared the house. With my girlfriend yelling 'race ya' before bounding off with Elsie in her arms. I laugh at her silliness but make no effort to run after her, I am not running for no-one. Make her wait for a minute.

We were firmly in the new year now. Christmas and new year had passed and having Elsie for them brought a whole new experience to the holidays. School was a little weird towards the end of term but since coming back from the holidays it's like I'm yesterday's news. I can walk down a corridor and nobody reacts. It's amazing.

I've been brought over to Ewan and Ava's house a few times. Little Hadley is adorable and completely besotted with Elsie. He tries to play with her but she is only just able to sit up on her own. So, he sits with her and they have their own conversations.

Life was comfortable again.

As I make my way up the steps to the house, I hear raised voices. My brain takes a moment to process who the voices belong to but when it does my steps faulter.

"You're Mic's sister?" Lila asks in shock, then quickly turns darker. "You're Amelia." I could hear the biting edge to her tone, a warm gooey feeling spreads through my body. The protective bite to Lila's words gets me moving again.

"Yes and, who the hell are you?" Amelia responds.

"She's my girlfriend." I say letting my presence be known. Lila stands by the door protectively keeping Elsie away from Amelia. "What are you doing here Amelia?" I ask reaching the top of the stairs and putting another barrier between my sister and my daughter.

Amelia is suddenly all smiles, her arms spread wide as if expecting a hug. "Can't a girl visit her sister?" she says with a chuckle. She's trying too hard to act like no time has passed but I'm not the child she left behind anymore. By looking at her it's obvious she is not the same person. She is thinner than I've ever seen her, heavy purple rings frame her eyes. The worst part though is the smell of alcohol. It pains me to see her like this. "Why doesn't my key work?" she asks when I make no move to embrace her.

I laugh a humourless laugh. "Had to change the locks." I can feel myself getting angry and don't want to do this in the entryway. "Let's go inside." I say opening the door, allowing Lila and Elsie in first.

With the front door closed I walk up to Lila and ask her to take Elsie to my room and keep her distracted. "You sure you don't want me here?" she asks like I knew she would.

"I'll be fine, I need to do this." I run my hand up and down her arm to comfort her, when I reach her hand, she clasps mine. Pulling me forward for a peck on the cheek.

"If you need me just call." When she's satisfied, I will do as she said, she starts talking to Elsie. "Come on baby girl, let's go play upstairs." She bounces her slightly as she walks getting her to giggle.

When they've left a silence comes over the room. Taking a deep breath, I turn to face her full on, crossing my arms for good measure.

"So, you got yourself a girlfriend. How long you two been together?"

"A few months now." I answer.

"Your cute together." I don't bother to respond. Instead, I keep staring her out. "Why'd you change the locks?"

"Dad's watch was missing from mum and dad's room. I thought someone might have broken in."

"It wasn't worth much." Amelia mutters.

Huh? "What do you mean? Wait, did you take dad's watch?"

"Thought it might be worth something but it really wasn't."

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